• Losing you •

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Losing you,
I never thought that I would be able to be myself again

Losing you,
Felt like I lost apart of me

But I should know by now,
You would want the best for me
Never wanting me to dwell in grieve

But what can I do right now
Knowing that it was all my fault
No words could ever make me believe it wasnt
If I was there

But losing you
Was the worst

Never gonna have you by my side
Looking back at all those memories
All the times we shared together

Losing you
You showed me what real love a best friemd could give
More like my other half
Always there for me
More like my sister
Did everything together
More like my everything
But thats all that I will have to remember you
The memories I have left

Losing you
Knowing I couldnt do anything else
Burning me to the core
Wishing it was me instead
Never getting the opportunity to say my correct last words

Losing you
Hoping you forgive me
Praying that it was all a nightmare
Screaming and thrashing in my sleep
Waking up with beads of sweat glistening my skin
Coming back in reality
Realizing that it all took place
What am I gonna do without you
How can I live my life knowing your not here
Knowing your six feet under
But happy that your in a better place
But cannot helping how much I miss you and the loss and pain that I feel

Losing you
Wishing it was me instead

Losing you
It hurts so bad
Reminiscing brings tears to my eyes

But I know that your gonna always be by my side
Loving me always
As I love you forever and more
Never gonna forget you

Losing you
But knowing that you knkw I love you
Without words to express
But grateful that I knew you
Without being able to express how much you mean to me
But forever more and always
I love you
And ever more

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