Chapter 18 - Skogar museum

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We stepped into the main hall and were greeted by a small Icelandic lady who talked to us about some of Iceland's history, their culture and how that shaped their clothes, household items etc. Every so often Coach would nudge me gently in the side.
"Told you." He'd whisper in my ear, and he had. As lovely as the little woman was, I'd much rather listen to Coach. That being said, I'm not sure we would get much talking done if we were on our own now.
The museum guide led us around a large wooden boat in the middle of the museum, pointing out how it was made and other details of its history.
Along the walls were glass cabinets full of old clothing, farming tools and other everyday items from many decades ago.
We circled the building before moving upstairs where they housed more glass cabinets filled with more nicknacks. I browsed but found it hard to concentrate, every so often I would catch sight of Coach looking at a cabinet somewhere else. He looked so good, I would rather be spending my time looking at his body right now.

Coach saw me looking at him and winked in my direction, he slid his hand down his stomach towards his crotch while exaggeratedly licking his lips and beckoning me with his other hand. He was such a goofball. I laughed and turned my focus back to the old items, trying to pay attention when all I could think about was how I wish it was my hand stroking his body.

I spent a long while browsing the items on display but my mind kept wandering to Coach, it didn't help that every so often he would come back to my side and whisper something in my ear. It wasn't even anything sexual he was whispering, just tidbits about the collections but his deep voice and the waft of his cologne were intoxicating.

After exploring every inch of the displays in the main building I made my way outside, Coach didn't seem to follow. I wasn't sure if I was happy or mad at that fact but I carried on.
The sky was dark now and the outside of the museum was dimly lit but I saw some traditional Icelandic houses not too far off in the distance. I made my way over, seeing the items inside of actual houses seemed more interesting than them being in glass cases.
The light from the main building grew fainter the closer I got to the grass-roofed houses and the air seemed to grow colder.

I entered the first building I got to and was surprised how the small building made of rock, wood and grass, with its door wide open, was somehow warmer than the outside. It was still really cold, but it was at least bearable.
This building appeared to be some kind of workshop, it was strewn with tools. I looked at them for a moment as they seemed really out of place. The building seemed to be very old, made before modern building techniques but the tools seemed to be like the tools we used today. It was littered with saws, metal vices and other tools that seemed anachronistic to the building.
I spent a few minutes looking around before moving to new building that was a good few feet away. I browsed the store houses, workshops and other unidentifiable buildings before I found the section of the "village" made of residential buildings.

The first home I stepped into was not much bigger than the buildings I'd seen moments ago. The lights installed in the building must have been super energy efficient as they cast barely any light, but it was just enough for me to make out that the home was one room. It was sparsely furnished, the walls lined with beds that were built into the frame of the house. The beds were covered in blankets and furs, if I'd have been any more tired or cold I'd have been tempted to climb in but they didn't look particularly comfortable.

A shiver ran down my spine as I had the feeling I wasn't alone. I hadn't heard anyone approach me, no crunch of snow beneath their feet, maybe I was just paranoid due to the eerie silence and very dim light in the house.
Behind me I heard a noise from just outside the house, I turned as sharply as I could. My eyes landed on a large shadow blocking the doorway from the outside, my heart hammered against my chest. The giant bent down so they could enter the small door, grunting as it lowered itself.

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