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Mother fussed about with my laces for what felt like the thousandth time this morning. The sun was already high in the sky and we were running late to the palace. Like with much of the court, me and Mother made a habit of frequenting the palace throughout the month. It was important to make appearances when in town, so we went to take tea with a couple of Mother's lady friends in the gardens every other week. Though it was a bit out of the way, I quite enjoyed our visits there. The palace was situated above the city, up a winding, stately road to its perch atop the hillside. It was a massive thing. A mass of wings and gardens, it look almost like a small city itself.  I would have enjoyed it a lot more though if Mother hadn't woken me before the sun had risen in order to get ready. My eyes still ached from the rude awakening.

"Mother, have Eliza handle the laces, she does this every day" I muttered as I leaned against the bedpost. Mother tried again to do up my corset while Eliza, the handmaid waited anxiously in the corner. With a defeated huff I felt her give up behind me and Eliza's delicate fingers take the lead tying up the corset snuggly to my waist. 

"There you go miss"

"Thank you Eliza" I smiled, as I let her pull on a delicate blue gown with flowery buttonings. Yet another new dress. 

"I don't remember being fitted for this one" I muttered, letting Eliza fasten the back clasps. Ever since the "massive success" that was my coming out gala, Mother had ordered a multitude of dresses. These new ones were more more mature that my old wardrobe, which was made for a child's frame and innocence. These new clothes were tighter and bolder, with sloping necklines and delicate sleeves that seemed ready to fall of my shoulders. Mother insisted this was the height of fashion now a days. But despite myself, I still felt more like a working girl sometimes than a lady. 

"Oh don't be silly" Mother childed, sitting herself at my writing desk.

"I took your measurements to the milliners down on Meridian and had him make a set for you, its much easier than doing all those long fittings don't you think?" she cooed, 

I had to agree she was right. But the thought that she'd gotten this from Meridian made my stomach turn. The stores there were not within our price range. I hoped she hadn't gone over on my allowance for this month, or worse, stollen some of Father's money.

In the coach my second fear became more apparent when I saw that Mother had indeed gotten our old carriage refurbished, sure the thing was old and a bit creaky, but far from needing repairs. Now the exterior was gilded and painted bright garish colors with our family crest was plastered across each door.

"Mother" I growled through gritted teeth, 

"What is this?"

"Don't be silly dear" she chuckled. It was her signature response to everything. I was getting tired of hearing it. 

"Our old stagecoach needed a bit of a face lift. Your father was more than happy to supply the funds" I studied the wrinkles in her old eyes and devilish smile and doubted it.

It was a good thing Father wasn't like many of the other Barons we knew. Once they had received their title they stopped their businesses and lived off their riches. Father  couldn't bear to leave his tables and numbers when he inherited my grandfather's titles. Thus he remained happily at work while my mother paraded around, showered in gifts she'd beg of him. I'd always been careful  about spending. Money was nowhere close to tight in our family, but much richer people had fallen into the depths of poverty from overspending and overcompensating. Mother prattled on about the custom seats and the velveted interior as I looked out the window of the coach. It would be a long ride to the palace today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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