Chapter 4

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Y/ns pov

I woke up in my bed.
Looking around I see I'm in my own room.
I jump up and get out of bed.
"Was that just a dream?" I smiled and looked at the time.
"Wait if that was a dream I should see bill!"  I said in excitement
I run out my room and to my car.
Staring it i quickly drive out and to Bill's house.
The while way I had a large smile on my face.
I got out and ran to the door.
I knocked and bill answered
I smiled and hugged him tight
"What's wrong?" He asked
"I misses you and I had the weirdness dream..."
"Come in and tell me all about it sweet heart"
We walked in and cuddled on the couch.
His arms wrapped tightly around my small body as he rubbed my back gently.
"It was date night..I was coming over bc I was running a fee minutes late you told me to just come over because your car was acting up."
He laughed "of course you were late"
I smiled and continued "when I got here..sadie was here..I walked In because you didnt answer your phone and i found you and bef together.." i teared up a bit and snuggled closer into his chest "I ran out and told you we were done..and while i was driving i hot in a wreak and was kidnapped by these guys in a was..ticking all the time the other spoke to me and fed me but was so mean.."
"Weird.." he said
"I'm just happy I'm here with you.."
I smiled and looked up at him "I love you bill-"
The face that was once Bill's was now a torn up and bleeding.
Looking over I see a man that was pale white and his eye lids where gone. He had a large smile in his cheeks and was holding a bloody knife staring into my eyes.
By looking at him he was lanting heavily.
I gasped and got up.
"Dont go any were.." he mumbled walking closer slowly.
I wanted to listen but my legs didnt I ran out the door.
He lunged at me full speed.
I screamed and opened my car door slamming it shut and locking it.
I gasped and let out a sigh as I saw no trace of him.
I slumped down in my seat and smiled calmly.
Just then my window smashed and glass flew ever were.
A hand grabbed me by the throat and held me against the seat.
He opened the door and dragged me out and laid me on the ground. His hand still to my throat he bent down and smiled bigger then it already was
" I'll kill you y/n"

I jolt up from my cotton bed gasping and sweating.
"Hey what's wrong?"
Looking over I see him.
He walked over and placed a hand on my back.
"I..there wa this guy with a smile he..hes gunna get me!"
Their was a long pause before he sighed.
"That's jeff he will kill you."
I started to panic more and I geuss he noticed.
He grabbed my face gently.
"I wont met anyone touch you y/n. I swore I wouldnt let anything happen to you and I keep my promises.  Okay?"
I took in a shakey breath and nodded
"Good. Now I brought you some cereal."
He handed me a bowl of cheerios then went to his chair again.
I began eating slowly and in silence.  It wasnt as awkward as the first time but it was still slightly awkward.  He watched me eat and I noticed his bowl was empty on the floor.
"How long have you been in here?" I asked
"For about six hours. You sleep long."
"And you didnt wake me when you noticed I was having a nightmare?"
He looked at me and I could tell he was internally saying 'I'm a killer. Dose it look like I fucking care?'
I nodded and finished the rest of my food.
He took my bowl and grabbed his.
"I'll be back"
I nodded as he left the room.
Looking around I notice more and more details of this room.
Cracked in almost ever wall and moss growing in some places.
Behind me there was Flower vines.
It was beautiful if you ignore the chains and "paint"
The door handle rattled and opened.
I expected him but what stood there scared me more.
He was tall and in a black suit.  He was pale and boney. Where his face should be was just a blank emotionless stare.
I gasped in horror as he walked closer.
His arms were neatly folded behind his back as he made his way to my bed.
I could feel him stare Into my soul. His breath smelled like rotten meat and if you looked close you could see blood specks over his 'face'
"Hello y/n.." he said.
I sat their confused as he had just spoken to me but his "mouth"didnt move.
"H-how did you-"
"You are stuck in a room chained to a bed post and the thing you are most worried about is how I spoke to you? Young human I think we both know you have better questions you should be asking a faceless creature like me" he said a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"R-right..who are you"
"Fist off I'm not here to answer all of the questions you may have. But I'll be generous and give you the satisfaction of answering your one question.
I have meny name and people call me all of them. But around here in my house people call me slenderman.
Also I may look like a stick figure to your blinde y/c eye but I am the deadliest thing in this whole dimension.
I can kill you with just one finger, so dont try anything. I think tim already explained this to you." He stood up tall and stared down at me then continued
"Now as to why you are here, you are here only Because of me.
I have felt you anger for a lo g time. Just building up and rising like wild fire.
Its impressive, there have been times I thought you were going to snap but you didnt. You held it in. I'm surprised your still alive.
But that night you found bill and sadie in bed I could feel the anger reach its limit but also sadness was making it ateo her in a way.
So that's the night I realized I needed to make you one of us."
I stared at him "a...a ki-"
He "smiled" and continued " correct.  A killer, And you cant say no. You do and you will die immediately. So y/n while we wait for poor Timmothy to get back down here. I will carve you." He said as he took my wrist in his hand.
A tendril type thi g emerged from his back and pointed its self at my writs.
"This will hurt" he said as the tendril started to carve my skin.
I screamed and tried to pull away but no use. He was to strong.
I screamed in pain and looked at my wrist. 
Blood was dripping off my wrist and onto the floor.
I felt my head spinning and a burning sensation running up my body and spreading all over.
I gasped in pain and coughed up blood my vision was starting to show black and white dots till that's all I saw.
I started to cry in pain and eventually he let go.
I held my wrost close to my body and the dots went away.
"You are now one of us. You'll be forever assigned to tim. Good luck. "He said as he held up the chain that used to hold me leg down and drop it.
He disappeared with a blink of an eye and Timothy rammed the door open.
He was panting and looked at me full of worry.
He rushed over to me and put his arms on me.
"What happend!" He asked worried
I disnt answer and just kept crying.
He grabbed my wrist and looked at the wound.
"He got to you.."  he mumbled.
He held me close and let me cry Into his shoulder.
I cried for what seemed like forever. I couldnt tell if it was the fact I just got carved with this weird symbol or the fact a faceless creature just officially made it known I was never leaving this place alive.
Tim sat with me the whole time and didnt let me go.
He wiped the blood off my mouth and my wrist to get a better look at the carving.
He sighed more and just sat back.
"Well I geuss it's time to bring you up their with the others.."
I nodded and looked up "c-can we wait for a dew minutes"
I could tell he was slightly annoyed but agreed.
I nodded and rested my head down his shoulder again.
"I'm assigned to you "
I looked back up "that- slenderman said I will forever be assigned to you.."
"Fuck" he said
I felt a little hurt and I could see he was clearly upset about that
"I'm sorry" I said.
"Dont be I'm just. Confused is all. Sorry well hey you get to share a room with me know."
I nodded and laughed a bit not knowing what else to do.
"You think your ready?" He asked
I took a deep breath and looked down "yes. Let's go."
He got up and walked to the door.
I got up and walked close to him and hald his arm.
He froze. "W-what."
"Dont leave me"
He stared at me for a minute the  nodded.
"I wont..also please when we are up here call me masky. Only call me tim when it's just us. Okay?"
I nodded "sorry.."
"Your fine" he said
I smiled gently and looked at the door and so did he.
I took in a deep breath and sighed loudly.
"Let's go" I said
With that He slowly opend the door.

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