BONUS: ~Poison~

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Hi! I drew the above picture UwU. It's a drawing of Erratum fighting against the judges in Chaper 1. I was thinking of doing drawings of scenes in the book to improve my art and also keep me motivated. If you want me to draw a specific scene, please tell me!
Original Multiverse

Eons in the past

Third Person POV

Erratum stepped into the large throne room. The air was thick with negative energy, this however didn't effect him. Erratum looked up at the large throne, where a god like himself sat.

"NiGhTmArE. It'S bEeN aWhIlE. " Erratum dryly chuckled.

" And here I thought you were going to chicken out last minute. Hehehe Now wouldn't that be a poor excuse for a God of Destruction." Nightmare mocked, getting up from the throne and picking up a silver goblet turned black.

"I wOuLd bE a fOoL tO bAcK oUt wHeN yOu sAiD tHiS wOuLd bE tHe lAsT tEsT."

"Yes, all you have to do is drink the contents of this goblet," Nightmare teleported infront of Erratum and handed him the goblet, "Since you can't die, you shouldn't be afraid to drink it right?" Nightmare teleported back to his throne and watched Erratum carefully with a smirk.

Erratum was about to take a sip when Nightmare stopped him with a question, "I was wondering... Why is it you wanted to be my 'friend'? You don't seem to want to use me since all these test have no gain to yourself and have been at your expense. If anything, I've just been hostile. So why?"

Erratum paused before lowering the goblet from his mouth. He opened a potal and stole a chair, before taking a seat and swirling the goblet in his hand. The black liquid swirled in the tainted silver cup.

" It wAs aRoUnD tHe tImE yOu aTe tHoSe aPpLeS," Nightmare slightly tensed, "InK hAd aSkEd yOuR bRoThEr-"

"He's not my brother." Nightmare snarled.

Erratum took his attention away from the goblet for a second.

"He hAd aSkEd DrEaM tO hElP hIm dEaL wItH mE. InK aNd DrEaM wErE uNdEr tHe aSsuMpTiOn tHaT I gAiN sOmE sOrT oF pLeAsUrE fRoM dEsTrOyInG-"

"You don't?" Erratum smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"ThAt'S a sToRy fOr aNoThEr tImE... ThEy dEcIdEd tO tAkE mY aBiLiTy tO fEeL pOsItIvE eMoTiOnS. UnFoRtUnAtElY, tHeY cOuLdN't knOw tHaT tHe mEaGeR pOsItIvE eMoTiOnS I hAd wErE tHe oNlY tHiNg tHaT kEpT mE sAnE.

   In bLiNd iNsAnItY I wEnT oN a rAmPaGe, kIdNaPpInG BlUe aNd dEsTrOyInY AuS eVeN rIpPiNg DrEaMtAlE iNtO tHe tInY pIeCeS tHaT aRe nOw lEfT. BlUe mAnAgEd tO cAlM mE dOwN sOmEhOw.

   I rEaLiZeD I nEvEr wAnTeD tO bE tHaT ErRoR aGaIn. ThE TrUe GoD oF DeStRuCtIoN."

" So you want me to help you get your emotions back, well sorry to-"

" No, I dOn'T dEsErVe tHeM," Nightmare narrowed his eyes," I tOlD yOu tHiS bEcAuSe I wAnT tO lEt yOu kNoW tHaT I kNoW wHaT iT fEeLs lIkE tO bE cLoUdEd wItH nEgAtIvE. To bE hAtEd. ScOrNeD. AnD I wAnT tO lEt yOu kNoW tHaT I wAnT tO bE tHe sHoUlDeR yOu lEaN oN. ThE pErSoN yOu cAn tRuSt. I dOn'T eXpEcT tO bE tReAtEd tHe sAmE, iN fAcT I dOn'T dEsErVe tO. AlL I wAnT tO dO iS sHoW yOu tHe lOvE yOu dEsErVeD aNd nOt tHe LOVE yOu gOt." Erratum stood up and downed the black liquid in one gulp. He placed the goblet on the chair before opening a portal.

" I'm ErRoR. ThE FoRcEd GOd oF DeStRuCtIoN. LeTs bE fRiEnDs. "

Erratum stepped into the Anti Void and immediately fell to his knees after closing the portal. Blood red Error signs glitched around his body.

Erratum brought his hand to his mouth, violently coughing. He looked at his hand, it was covered in redish black blood. Shaking, he fell to his side, curling into a ball.

His vision blurred and he could vaguely see that the error signs blackened before glitching out. His body trembled. He didn't understand. All the poison Nightmare previous gave him had little effect, if not only extreme pain. Erratum felt his soul being invaded.

"I-I'lL bE.... OkA-y j-jUsT-sT.... gOt t-tO wAiT... iT oUt...."Erratum whispered to himself, shakily.


He wasn't okay.

So you see the funny thing is. A few days ago at 1 am when I was about to go to sleep. Like I'm literally closing my eyes right and suddenly I remember a plot point. Now I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that I nearly yeeted myself out of bed. Oof like seriously y'all would hate me if I had forgotten it like I could already imagine the hate comments. Lmao maybe that's an exaggeration. Anyway so I stated to plan my book more instead of having my ideas on constant repeat in my head like a annoying song you don't know the name of. It's actually somewhat relieving, to get it on paper and thanks to ScarlettDoodles and The-Punmaster for giving me tips.

Anyway hope you enjoyed this little interpretation of how Erratum and OM! Nightmare met/interacted before they became (not by blood) brothers.

-Love Author😊

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