Big brother doesnt approve

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Shin stared off into the sky thinking of his current position in Kai's life, wether or not he likes her, she was created to do evil things but on the other hand shown no signs of doing of such acts, it left him confused, especially with the kiss she gave him yesterday. It's been about 4 months and he's starting to fall for her, he thought of all possible outcomes on why this is so but none of them conquered reasonable. He sighed and looked down and sat down pulling out strands of grass one by one, he wanted to know why he thought this way, she was nice smart and shown him such gratitude besides that, was it possible to fall in love with someone so quickly so soon? He thought about asking the old Kai but would just answer with some perverse answer or saying he fell in love, then the thought came back, Was he in love with Kai? That answer had to take time he thought. He groaned and laid down with his eyes closed until he heard a throat being cleared, once opening them.

"What are you groaning about?" Phillip questioned curiously making Shin gasped and sat up quickly and stutter out.

"N-nothing I-I- I just T-Thinking about something heh..yeah" Phillip crosses his arms knowing that was a lie from how he spoke and the big blush he spared on his face.

"Is that so?..because from the stuttering and the massive blush on your face seems like your thinking about someone really important..someone who has gotten close to you...someone female"
Shin gulped from the immense stare Phillip was given him he looked nervous not sure how to answer but had to think of something.

"W-why would you think that for?.." Phillip growled slightly and a vein popped up slightly
"Look, I don't mind you and my sister being friends but romantic interest are off limits, you are not going to hug, or kiss her non the less date her" Shin feeling completely attacked and stood up standing 5'2 his full height not even up to Phillips shoulders but didn't care.
"And why not? What if I do like her and maybe she likes me back?" He glared back, it's not like he was a evil being or had a evil past so why can't he date her if he chooses to.
Phillip glared down at him obviously showing signs of anger but Shin showing no signs of backing down then the thought hit him. This man is stronger than he is and possibly could rival goku, and here he is standing up to him for a girl he was questioning rather or not he fell for.
Then it hit him, He loved her, he would do anything for her he looked down at his hands that where shaking, he felt his heart beating rapidly and he clenched his fist and shut his eyes tightly, a few tears slip through. He wanted to scream at Phillip that he cared deeply for his sister but knows his better judgment not to, knowing that isn't going to change he brothers mind.
Phillip noticed Shins clenched fist and chuckled
"What your going to fight me? Just letting you know it won't end up well"
Shin didn't look up but softly unclenches his fist and spoke gently
"No, I won't fight you not because I'm afraid to fight you or afraid I'll lose but..afraid I might lose Kai" and with that he walked off somewhere else wanting to be alone for the time being.
Phillip scoffed at him hating the idea of his sister dating him or for that matter anybody, he walked off the opposite direction needing to calm down.

Kai walked down the path Shin was on unknowingly and once she saw him she smiled happily and jogged to him, once close she hugged his arm surprising from the action.
Before he got time to do anything Kai noticed his face wet and saw tears running down she stopped him and grabbed hold of his face gently but sternly, obviously concern written on her face.
"Why are you crying? What happened?!" She asked worried in action making him turn away from her grasp and muttered out softly
"Nothing, don't worry about it" this didn't satisfy her and she walked in front of him again this time she looked up at him hurt, she saw he is not going to tell her she sighs and hugs him gently.
"I'm not going to say it's ok that you won't tell me but what I will say is hope what ever made you cry apologizes real soon.." Shin hugged back and couldn't take it anymore and gently moved out of her way and goes to Phillip angrily once there he shouted at him.
"Phillip I demand to know why you forbid me to date your sister!" He thanks everyone that they where far from Kai other wise he'd be embarrassed by his sudden confession.
Phillip turned and glared
"Because not only are you unwillingly to protect her but your not capable of doing so, so there for I forbid my sister to date a weakling, face it shrimp your not good enough to protect, date or even love her, THATS why I forbid it" Shin let every word sink in he didn't know what to think, he never heard those words spoken to him in such manner before. And before he knew it he turned and walked off away from Phillip silent tears escaped his eyes wanting to be alone for few days.

About 30 minutes passed by still in his room by his lonesome but came a small knock he acknowledged it but said nothing, the door squeaked lightly signaling someone is coming in but he doesn't care.
A small voice spoke up which made him stiff
"Hey, I've been notified what happened or what's been said.." he clenched his pants tightly until he felt arms around his shoulders hugging him gently
"Don't listen to him, I do not care for such things.." he opened his eye in shock and suddenly felt his face being turned behind him, he hadn't noticed she was hugging him from the front till few minutes passed, then he spoke.
"You don't have to say such thing to make me feel's ok it's all true..I mean what kind of creation god isn't even stronger then the things he creates, I mean I'm useless" Kai let him speak then spoke softly "your words speak but your hearts doesn't, Shin, those words are not yours but ones that are stolen, because honestly far as I'm concerned a creation god has already stolen my heart" he looked at her surprised and blushed madly and froze when he felt her get closer to his face and gently plant a soft kiss along his forehead
"Sorry but I don't kiss before marriage not pushing just a fact" she smiled genuinely making him smile back at her letting few more tears slip by
"And stop crying everything is fine" Shin looked at her and nodded lightly then looked else where and spoke shyly
"Does this mean we are..." he couldn't find the words to speak but Kai caught on
"Do you want us to be? I can't say yes unless the man asks" this made him blush more and this time took her hands and looked at her with determination but still spoke with a slight stutter
"W-will you do me the honor and b-becoming mine?" Kai smiled and nodded
"I will" she giggled and kissed his nose but stayed few inches away from his face a still blush and spoke gently
"I won't move unless you kiss my cheek back" this made him blush more and slowly but planted a little kiss along her cheek, both stood there happily holding hands, with their foreheads gently touching.

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