{2} Omg Its Them

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||keely's POV||
After picking up Caitlyn we drove to the airport. In the car trip she did not shut up about her favourite book series the mortal instruments OMG it was annoying but I love her anyways.

We got our tickets , got some Starbucks and sat down in the air port waiting for our plane to arrive.
When it FINALLY came we took our seats and after fighting for the window seat for about five minutes I finally gave in and took my seat that was next to a really pretty blond girl that looked sorta familiar. A few minutes later we where in the air.

"Hey" The pretty blond girl turned her head to face me and at that moment I knew, I knew exactly who it was. It was Rydel Lynch.


"Where you you headed"

"California umm it's pretty self explanatory haha "

"Oh yeah haha Same, we just finished the Australian leg of the tour and we are starting our 2 month holiday, no fans, no new music, just family and Ratliff. It will be good to have a break you know, after 8 months of tour and lack of sleep you get a bit tired."

"That's actually really cool .... My name is Keely by the way"

*shakes hand*

"Oh wow I like that name My name is Rydel"

"So Rydel what is your backstory ?"
*puts fist up to chin as if very interested*

"Well I Rydel Mary Lynch was born on the 9th of August 1993 in Littleton Colorado from the parents Mark and Stormie Lynch. We moved to California so my brother Riker could Pursue his acting dream. The in 2009 we started the band R5 and the rest is history.....
What about you what is your amazing back story may I ask"
"Well then, I am Keely Elizabeth Millar, I was born on the 19 of December 1995 in NSW Australia to parents Kim and Bret Millar along to with my younger sisters who are both 7 years old , Addison and Claire. When I was around 18 months I started dancing and I guess the rest is history hahaah"

It felt like we talked for hours and hours. Then she had to use the bathroom and when she walked down the isle a brown haired boy appeared from out behind her.

"Rydel what are you doing?"

"I'm using the loo! Gotta problem? Didn't think so!

"You do know there is a toilet at the front of the plane right?"

"Duh but I wanted to do some exercise"

"Hey that was a pretty good excuse"

"It wasn't an excuse"

"Sureee, that's why your heading the other way isn't it"

"Shut up Ryland"

Then another brown haired boy piped up..geeze is their whole family on this plane trip! Seriously

"Sweetie you can go the the bathroom where ever you want ..... Just not on the floor"

After erupting in fits of giggles , a blond hair boy I think his name is Ross came and sat next to me where Rydel had left, I swear that boy really needed to tone down the flirting and turn up the the deodorant
No no only joking I just couldn't find anything bad about him to say cause he seemed so sweet I just wanted to give him a really big hug ....... But that would be really weird Keely you don't even know him "he's just perfect" ..."did I say that out loud shit! "

"Yes , yes you did and thanks for the complement and your pretty cute yourself "
"Ross get back to your seat I am in a very deep convosation with Keely "


"But no get back there"

Ok second chapter is up
Is there is anything we want me to add or anything like that just let me know

How you are enjoying :)

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