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>>Third Person

Harry and Dumbledore entered the arena, the music was loud and the sun was shining. People were cheering and clapping for the champions. Harry went and stood with the other champions as Dumbledore silenced the crowd. Harry smiled at Draco who smiled back, waving his 'Potter' flag for him and he turned when Dumbledore started talking.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows the exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory.." Dumbledore was cut off by the Hufflepuffs cheering for him. "and Mr. Potter.." He continued, the Gryffindors cheering louder. Draco smiled at his blushing face. "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum-" the Durmstangs cheered. "and Miss Delacour" The ladies cheered too. 

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I instructed staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only to send up red sparks with their wand" He explained.

"Contestants, gather around" He said, turning his back to the crowd and the 4 joined him. "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can, but be very wary. You could lose yourselves along the way" He told them and Harry gulped, fixing his glasses.

Dumbledore dismissed Harry and Cedric into the maze and once they entered the hedges closes behind them. It was completely silent now, he couldn't hear the trumpets blowing or the crowd. It was silent and dark. He started walking, he stopped when there was about 5 different ways to go. 

He got a cold chill down his spine when the hedges clattered together. He gripped his wand and rubbed his arm. Draco let him take one of his necklaces, the locket one with the picture of the group and them two. It was giving him goose bumps as the cold metal hit his chest when he walked.

Fluer got lost, looking at all the directions to go. There was hissing behind her and she turned around quickly- screaming. Harry heard the scream from where he was as it echoed the maze. Krum had disarmed Fluer and she was pulled under the hedges by the roots.

Harry ran to where the scream came from but pushed himself against the hedges when he heard footsteps. Krum came around the corner and put his wand into Harry's face. Harry looked at his eyes, they were grey and foggy. He just walked past him. Harry went the way he came from and watched Fluer get pulled under so he sent red sparks up.

The wind began to whistle and blow harder, pulling leaves off the bushes, he began to run as the hedges closed. He stood back up after he had tripped and he heard a glistening sound. At the end of the way he was stood, the cup sat, shining bright blue. 

The way began to close in front of him and he got confused a bit. Krum shouted and Cedric called to Harry to duck. The man shot a spell towards the two. "Expelliarmus" Cedric called, disarming Krum but instead he hit the ground. He ran over and kicked his wand out of his hand.

"No, don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!" "Get off me" Cedric pushed him off as he was trying to hex Krum. "He's bewitched!" Harry snapped and they began running the way the cup was at. Roots shot up from where they were running, wrapping around Cedric's ankles and pulling him down.

Harry stopped running and turned around. "Harry! Harry! Please!" Cedric cried and Harry looked at the cup and back at him. "Reducto!" Harry called, the roots going away and Harry helped him. "Thanks.." "no problem" Harry said "for a moment there, i thought you were going to let it get me" Cedric said and Harry panted. "For a moment, so did I" Harry said and Cedric looked at him.

"some game, huh?" "some game" Harry mumbled back. The hedges began closing together again and they had no choice but the run towards the cup. "Go on, take it. You saved me, take it!" Cedric said, and Harry was hesitant. "Together" They counted down and then grabbed it at the same time.

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