Chapter 3

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    Shoto helped you sit down on a grey chair in the corner, then went to go get a footstool. Shoto placed the stool in front of the chair.

     "Do you need help with this," Shoto asked in a monotone voice. You shook your head, and slowly got your foot on top of the stool. Then, Shoto sit down on a couch with Fuyumi and Natsuo. But, as soon as Shoto sat down, Natsuo got up and started walking towards you.

     "Here, (L/N). Keeping this on your ankle should help ease the pain and swelling," Natsuo said while smiling, handing you the ice pack. "Actually, I'll go get a blanket or something to tie it to your leg. That way, you won't have to worry about it falling off." So, with that being that, Natsuo left the living room again.

     Fuyumi left the couch, walking towards you with a plate full of warm, soft chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.

     "Almost everyone likes chocolate chip cookies, so I figured that I'd play it safe and make you some. If you don't, though, you don't have to eat them. Here's some milk, too. I hope it tastes good," exclaimed Fuyumi.

     After thanking the woman, you grabbed a couple of cookies, along with the glass of milk. You took a bite of the cookie and- they were delicious! They had a little bit of a crunchy bottom, but were still soft and gooey. Your eyes lit up, while your stomach yearned for more.

     You soon finished the two cookies, along with the glass of milk. Thankfully, the others had ate some cookies, too, so there wasn't an awkward silence.

     "Those were really good, Fuyumi! Thank you for making them," you said with a smile.

     "It's no problem! I'm glad you liked them."

      You heard a few footsteps, and looked to where they were coming from.

     "I got a towel to tie the ice pack to your ankle," said Natsuo. He then came over to you, bent down next the footstool. "Shoto, come here. I need your help." Shoto walked over in silence, then bent down next to his brother.

     "I'm going to need you to hold up her leg while I wrap her ankle and the ice pack," Natsuo explained. Shoto nodded his head, then gently put one hand underneath your calf, the other underneath your heel, and held up your leg. Natsuo then carefully wrapped the towel around your ankle, finishing it off by tying a knot. After putting your leg back down, the two brothers stood up.

     "There, that should do it. Hopefully it doesn't come undone," Natsuo said, looking at you with a gentle smile.

     After a few silent moments, your mind began to wonder.

     "Hey, Fuyumi, what time is it?"

     "Hmmm... oh, about......12 AM!" Fuyumi gasped as her face lit up in surprise. "I suppose time slipped by us!"

     "Oh, shi- shoot! Thank you for helping me, but I best be getting home." In a hurry, you tried to stand up, but felt a stab of pain and plopped back down into the chair. A blush of embarrassment crept across your face.

      "Oh, (L/N). The weather is still really bad, and you can't go anywhere on your own like that. How about you stay here for the night? We could take you back in the morning," Fuyumi said with a soft expression. While she said that, Natsuo looked at her in surprise. He she was done talking, he turned her around and whispered to her. You could still hear them, though.

     "What about dad? Would he allow this," he whisper-yelled to Fuyumi.

     "It'll be fine. Dad's at work, remember? He's working the night shift tonight. He won't be home until tomorrow afternoon." Natsuo sighed in defeat and turned around.

     "Sorry about that, (L/N). So, what'll it be," Natsuo asked with a toothy smile.

    You thought for a few moments.

     Did I lock the door?

     What about  Selene?

     These people have done me no harm, I'm sure I can trust them...

     You had made up your mind.

     "Sure, I'll stay the night," you said hesitantly while nodding your head. You wondered a little bit about what the older siblings were talking about, but decided not to ask. It wasn't any of our business. "Thank you for all your help and generosity."

     "It's no problem! We have an extra guest room upstairs that you can use. Shoto can help you up the stairs and show you to it." Fuyumi then looked to her left. "Right, Shoto?"

     Shoto nodded his head with a blank expression and walked over to you. He lifted your leg with the injured ankle and pushed the footstool over. Then, he stuck his hand out to you. You put your hand in his, (while blushing, of course- physical contact is weirddddd) and he helped you up. You stumbled into him a bit, causing your face to go even redder.


     "You're fine. Are you ready?"

      You nodded your head, and the two of you began making your way to the staircase.

     "I think it will be easier to go up the staircase if I carry you. Do you agree? Is that alright with you," he asked. You were a bit surprised, but nodded your head nonetheless. Shoto put one arm behind your back and the other behind your legs, and effortlessly picked you up bridal-style. You were sure your face was on fire by now.

     The two of you made it up the staircase, but Shoto did not set you down. This confused you, but you did not question it. He just continued to walk.

     You finally made it to the guest room, where Shoto promptly set you down on the bed.

     "T-Thank you," you said, not looking him in the eye. He nodded and turned to leave, but then you heard a cat's meow come from another room.

     Wait- that sounded like Selene!

    "Do you have a cat," you asked, making him stop and turn back around to face you. He shook his head with his eyes closed.

     "No, I found it tonight out in the storm. Why?"

     That sentence made your heart skip a beat. Could Selene be here?

     "Could I see the cat? I was looking for my cat tonight, but got lost, so I ended up here. Maybe the cat you have right now is mine?"

     "Sure. I'll bring it here." Shoto then left the room, but was back a few moment later.

     Walking through the door, you saw Selene in Shoto's arms. He then let her jump out of his arms and onto the bed, where she quickly walked to you b

     "Selene!" You quickly hugged the cat, but only for a couple of seconds. She didn't like hugs. "I'm glad you're alright! I was worried!" Selene simply meowed in response. You pet her as she rubbed her head and body against you, purring loudly.

     "Thank you so much for finding her, Shoto! I don't know what I'd do without her." You continued to pet the cat, and she continued to purr.

     "No problem. It's good she was able to get back to her owner." You replied with a nod.

     "Well, I'm going to bed." Shoto turned around, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

     You wrapped yourself in blankets, making yourself comfortable. Laying beside you, Selene's purring soothed you as you fell asleep.

I promise this story will get to UA and hero stuff soon, probably in the next two chapters


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