Kept Feelings

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A/N: Heya, minna! This chapter is dedicated to Dragojensen9497-san! It was mostly her idea, just adding some stuff here and there :) Enjoy the chapter, guys~ Tora's tux to the side -------->


"Misaki!" An eight-year old Igarashi Tora ran to a seven-year old Misaki, who was on the ground, dirt all over her dress. "Hmm?" she replied, not looking up from her sand castle that she was building. 

Tora rolled his eyes, "Minako-san's calling for us. We better go back." Misaki nodded and said, "Gimme a few more minutes, Tora-kun. This castle will be done.." Tora exhaled loudly, grabbed her arm, and dragged her over to their house. 

"Minako-san!" Tora called, "We're here!" 

"Oh! Thank you, Tora-kun." Minako came out of the kitchen. "Please, take a seat you two. We have something to discuss." Misaki and Tora both took a seat on the couch, both of them curious to what Minako was gonna say to them. As Minako took a seat, Misaki unconsciously held her breath. "So, okaa-san, what were you gonna tell us?" 

Minako looked at her sadly. "Misa.. I'll be gone for a few days, and my friend will be taking care of you." 

"Ehh?!" Misaki jumped to her feet. "Who's your friend?!" Minako signaled her to sit down, but she was too stubborn. "Tell me who!" Sighing, Minako explained that her friend, Edward Walker, will be taking care of you. Tora-kun, your parents will be coming with me too, so both of you will be in the care of Edward. He has a son, so be nice and play with him, okay? He's Tora-kun's age." 

"Where will you be going, Minako-san?" 

Minako rubbed her back neck, "Well, it's a business trip. We're going to Akihabara." Tora nodded quietly and asked, "When will you be leaving?" 

"Tomorrow, perhaps? At noon." 

"And when do you think you'll return?" Misaki demanded. Minako smiled nervously at her, "I'm not so sure about when I'll return.. But this business trip might last for days. It's very important, you see." Misaki's eyes welled up with tears. She ran to her mother, and hugged her tight. "I'll miss you, okaa-san.." she whispered. 

"I'll miss you too, Misaki. Now, be a good girl to Edward and play with Usui-kun, okay?" Minako tapped Misaki's nose. Misaki giggled, and nodded obediently. "I will, 'kaa-san! Right, Tora-kun?" Misaki turned to Tora, smiling brightly. "Huh? Of course." A slightly dazed Tora said. He was mesmerized by Misaki's smile. 

Misaki turned back to her mom with a smug expression. "See, 'kaa-san? You can trust us!" 

"I guess I can." Minako laughed whole-heartedly. Now, I'll be packing my suitcase. While I'm doing so, you guys could play at the backyard." she suggested to them while pointing to their backyard. Misaki ran to the playground, while Minako smiled at Tora. "Take care of her, alright? My daughter's kind of a handful." 

Tora chuckled, "I will, Minako-san." 

10 years later.. 

Tora's P.O.V

"Usui, wait up, you cheater!" A very frustrated Misaki yelled, rushing to catch up to the green-eyed ikemen. 

"You're just slow, prez. Can't catch me." The blonde stuck out his tongue at her, making her more mad, and accelerated his speed. As I watched them do their childish race, I can't help but feel a pain in my chest. Yes, I know what this feeling is called. I know I'm in love with Misaki. I have been for the past 3 years. But I can't seem to confess because I don't want to interfere with her and Usui's life. I mean, they're both in love with each other right? Just too stubborn to say it. 

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