When he gets angry

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Chapter two - When he gets angry

4 month's later -

Four months have passed since I joined khanna industries. Those months were just like a rollercoaster ride for me. Everyday, some sort of tension which made me mentally exhausted. But ,What irked me most was My boss behavior. From the time we met , Neil sir has been cold towards me , he was always strict towards me and I really don't know why ?.

For any silly mistake He used to load me me extra work to do until night. He used to scold me for small reasons and I'm used to it. Till now he never talked with me sweetly, he was always arrogant towards me and that made me wonder.

Apart from that, I've made few Friends. Priyanka my trainer, Monika and Karan.They were really sweet and humble. I love my friends group much especially karan. He used to make me laugh whenever I felt sad of boss shouting. He used to cheer me up when I felt low and what I really like in him was he's really a positive person ,an optimist . Whenever boss lashed out on him he never felt bad instead he used to crack jokes Neil sir face and voice.

"Hey, where are you lost? " Karen's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
Right now, I'm in cafeteria with Karan. Few minutes back ,I've submitted work given by my arrogant boss and for refreshment I came here. Fortunately, karan was already present there which made me smile.

"You know today is the birthday of our boss!" Karan said sipping into his coffee .

"What? But he's normal. " I exclaimed shocked, seriously sir birthday today but his Face was same like angry red balloon.  No smile, No happiness.

"Maybe, He don't like birthday's, You know right how strict he is? " he says.

"I know, but at least he should give treat to staff . " I said.

"Remember, he's arrogant! He only knows lashing out. " he laughed.

"Ya, I've never seen him smile. How can someone be like that ? Doesn't have have any other emotion? " I asked.

"Do you think he's a gay? " karan questioned, he was smirking .

I chocked on my coffee.

"What?  Gay? Never. Look at his looks mahn! Do you really think like that? "I giggled.

"yes, because he has never been in an relationship and doesn't like ladies. So, obviously I will think like that " he shrugged.

"Karan please leave his topic. Neil Khanna, the name itself boils my blood. Yesterday, he yelled on me for knocking his cabin door more than three times." I said gritting my teeth.

"Woah! He's officially screwed then. "

I laughed. "Yes, he's mad. Should be in mental asylum. But unfortunately we are working under him. "

"Must admit, he is really hardworking. " the seriousness in karan's voice made me think why he's so strict.

Did sir had bad childhood?

I sighed and shrugged my thoughts. It's not a time to think. I've lots of works to do. Have to check mails, reply them, have to look on new files, blah! Blah! . I reminded myself  

"Okay, karan I gotta go. I'm already late. I said getting up.

"Bye, and take care. " karan says.

I smiled before I walked out of cafeteria.


After having coffee with karan(Lol), I felt somewhat reached relaxed. I immediately got into the work so that my boss won't scold me again for taking break in between.

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