When he reveals the truth

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Chapter five -  When he reveals the truth

I was bewildered hearing him. He just confessed , he loves me. What the actual heck ? Is he mad?

"Muhhmm.. Muhhmm " I tried to speak but my efforts remained unsuccessful  as my arrogant ,rude ,bipolar boss pressed his plam against my mouth. But he seemed to understand my struggle.

"Sorry! " He mumbled and removed his hand off my face. I took a huge breath that has caused due to suffocation.

"WHAT THE HELL SIR? ARE YOU MAD? WHAT AEE YOU DOING? " I shouted on his face, but he didn't bulge an inch. His face was stiff without void of emotions.

"YES, I'M MAD. I'M MAD FOR YOU! " He yelled making me shiver with fear. What is he speaking?

"Sir, what... are you.. saying? Are you in your senses? " I asked trying to get way from him. My whole body is now engulfed with fear. I don't know , but this all feel like a dream. Neil sir could never love me. As per I know he hates me to the core.

"I'm in my senses avni mehta. " he says softly and cupped my cheeks. The stiffness In his face has gone and it's replaced by softness. " I love you. " He stocked my cheeks with his thumb and made me shudder under his touch. Oh my God. What's happening here ? Am I dreaming?

"Is this a dream? " I questioned him. My mind is spinning. I'm unable to understand anything. He's so sweet to me and crying for me but Neil Khanna never cries ,he's arrogant  right?

"This isn't a dream! " He whispers, his thumb traveled down my cheek to the lower lip. He was now rubbing it.

I immediately jerked his hand off. "Are You drunk sir? Why are you touching me? You hate me remember? " I said, anger started to bubble inside of me. This is not a freaking dream. This is reality. He confessing, is true . He touching me , is true.

"I'd never hate you Avni. "
He replies. That made me angered. What did he just say? He Don't hate me ?

"Then what about the four month torture? Huh? First you say words to me and now you say you love me? Is this a joke? "  I yelled on his face and tried to get way before I could he pinned me back again and held my hands above my head, sandwiching me between his muscular body and the wall.

"Sweetie ,listen to me. Please listen to me. " he whispered and held me more tighter . Sweetie?

"Sweetie who sweetie?I'm not sweetie, I'm Avni! Now let me go.... " I wriggled in his arms.

"You're my sweetie! And don't struggle much, I'm not gonna leave you. At least not now. " He said strictly . The creepiness in his eyes and the stern tone by his vocals made me afraid.

"You are misbehaving with me, sir. Let me go. Or else I will shout and call everyone here" I yelled and squirmed.

"No one's gonna hear you. I'm so sorry for doing this,But you have to listen to me." he said.

"Why should I listen to you? " I screamed with tears pouring out of my eyes. I don't know when tears blurred my vision but the entire scenario is making me vulnerable and devastated.

"Please don't cry. I can't see you like this. " He wiped my tears, like he cares for me.

I gritted my teeth.

"You're a physco. Leave me and let me go! " I spat angrily

"I won't leave you. Ever! " He let go of my arms then, he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me to his chest. I held onto his shoulders digging my nails. He hissed but I don't care.

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