The Final Sacrifice

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AN: This is dedicated to snowcrystalmelissw for kicking my writer instincts to post this.

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Tsuna knows that he's in a race against time, an entity that he cannot control nor fully understand. 

He's against something that he can't fight, and he's losing the very war he wants to win.

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Pulling his scarf closer to himself, Tsuna watched as the snow fell down on his gloved hands before melting away.

"Tsuna-kun? Where are you?" Fon called out as frantic storm flames weaved around in a search. 

Hearing the call and feeling the worry in the other's flames, Tsuna heaved an indulgent smile as he freed his own sickly sky flames, making it act as a homing beacon for the searching man. 

It wasn't long before Fon found him sitting on a bench near the park that's only a few distances away from the hospital. 

"Tsuna, there you are!" Was what Fon immediately said after calming himself. It's fine. Tsuna's fine. His sky is safe...for now. "We got really worried when we found out that you managed to sneak out of your room again. Reborn's throwing a major tantrum in the hospital." 

"That's just like Reborn." Tsuna's laugh rang out like mellow bells, his breath forming a cloud from his warm breath, his cheeks flushing red from the exposure to the winter air. "And you, Fon, are a major worrywart.

Fon shrugged before joining the young, dying, sky on the bench. 

The older's intention as clear as the storm flames revolving around them, poking and checking like a fussy mother on the young sky's flames that casually danced around and conveyed safesafesafesafe.

The Storm Arcobaleno began to feel Tsuna's harmonizing factor in the air. The feeling of home. Of safety. Of unconditional love. 

Fon's fists tightened under his cheongsam as his lips thinned. 

Why is fate so cruel to them? Why take away the one who accepted them without question? The one who willingly sacrificed for the rest of the world? They don't even deserve the brunet's kindness. He doesn't deserve Tsuna's kindness.

It's so unfair.

Fon shifted when Tsuna's gloved hand touched his arm, a loving, understanding, smile on his face. 

Tsuna never seemed to stop smiling since the day he met the Arcobaleno. 

As if he's trying to make up for the lost time. 

"Seriously, you worry too much, Fon.Tsuna admonished. His sunset colored eyes, born from the constant usage of sky flames, glowed as he reassured the agitated storm. 

"And you worry too little." Fon huffed. 

"Worrying all the time is exhausting." Tsuna laughed, his gaze no longer on the famed martial artist, but on the gentle falling snow. "I can't put all my energy on such a thing. What matters to me right now, is to take of you and others."

'Aah,' Fon suddenly thought as his breath hitched in his throat. 'I guess you worry the most among us. You just don't let it show on your face.'

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