>> Loidhne-tìm <<

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>> Timeline <<

A lifetime of suspense and danger

1508 BC - Born as Hatshepsut to King Thutmose I

Abdicated the throne aged 30 

Discovered the immortals and faked her own death - 1459 BC

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~~~~~ Lived a couple mundane lives ~~~~~

1412 CE - Supposedly born as Joan of Arc

Fought in the Hundred Year War of France

Was sentenced to be burned at the stake for witchcraft and heresy

Escaped containment, bribed someone to pretend and die as Joan of Arc - 1431 CE

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~~~~~ Lived more mundane lives ~~~~~

1697 CE - 'Born' as Anne Bonny

Met Calico Jack, sailed the seven seas as a pirate

Captured and sentenced to hang, but got off  by pretending to be pregnant 

Was never heard from again after 1720 CE 

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