Sparks Fly

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*Elena POV*

I didn't want to move. For once I was standing within pure bliss and nothing could end it......well possibly hanna
The squeal she made I thought would burst the ear drums of anyone within a 10 feet radius. And mine and stefan's moment was abruptly over as Hanna came hurtling towards us and suffocating us in a hug.
I could tell stefan was awkward. heck he didn't even know these people and suddenly their passing him around like he's a new puppy, and may I say a very hot puppy at that.
I couldn't stop staring at him as I noticed the way his shirt hugs his form. then I noticed he was wearing a white shirt the one he knew always drove me wild.i needed to get me and him out of there so I could continue what started in the doorway.
"So stefan where are you staying?"
"A few blocks away in a new house" he said noting my reasoning for why I was asking and quickly added "I have quite bit of stuff to un pack if you want to help me?"
"You're staying in rosewood?" Hanna rudely added
"I was hoping to if all goes well and it's nothing like mystic falls" stefan replied
"If it was so you think I would've stayed? Come one I'll help you unpack the rest if your stuff" adding a wink at the end.
Spencer tried to convince the guys to help us obviously not getting the hint that we wanted to be alone but the rest of them quickly shut her up

-jump to stefan's house-

The house was amazing, a little bare but amazing. I don't have much time to admire the interior cause as soon as I walked through the doorway stefan pushed me against the wall,i winced but tried not to show it in the hopes that stefan wouldn't notice my changes state, and his lips came crashing onto mine.
I snaked my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He pressed against me gaining I moan from only to allow him to slide his tongue inside my mouth.
We were in a full heated make out session when I could feel his hands travel down to my waist and I realised where this was going.
I pushed stefan away, whispered and apology, and quickly fled hoping to find a bathroom as tears fell over my eyes and I continued to cry for the next 20 minutes.

A/N not sure about the almost nearly smut. I've never written any before so not sure how good it is. Thinking I might keep the rest of the story Elena's POV. Let me know your thoughts

Stay strong 😘

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