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a splitting headache is what eunbi had woken up to, she hissed in pain and burrowed into her warm blanket..wait, blanket? her eyelids were heavy when she lift them open and her vision takes awhile adjusting to the light of the room.

eunbi hears the airconditioning unit humming feebly in a distance, she scans her surroundings. why am i at the clinic? she slowly sat up on the white and soft bed, leaning her back against the white wall. what happened? i don't remember fainting. eunbi attempts to call to mind the events before she's here in the clinic but to no avail, she did not remember anything and it caused more pain to her head. she hydrates her dry throat with the glass of water on the bedside table, where a note is also sticked to the surface. eunbi peels it off the table and reads it.

guess sweetness has its limits, eh? you're excused for the whole day, i'll give you a ride home later. - your conscience

eunbi laughs inwardly and rolls her eyes, yewon's nicknames are so witty. who uses sticky notes these days, anyway? how did yewon have one prepared just in case she ends up in a clinic? meh, yewon probably borrowed from the nurse but she could've just texted her instead of making things harder for herself. eunbi examines herself and she's still in her PE uniform based on her shirt, right, the last subject she remembers taking is physical education. did she hit her head on something? eunbi checks her forehead with the back of her palm and she was hot, burning hot. did i faint from having a fever? eunbi felt a bit frustrated from not knowing why she's here. she checks the time with the clock beside her and there is only an hour left until dismissal. it wasn't long when i passed out, that's okay.

the nurse peeked through the curtain of eunbi's room and is delighted when she sees the girl is already up. she enters the room and they both bowed to each other. "do you remember anything, eunbi?" the nurse refills the glass with water, eunbi just watches how the water rises slightly over the rim. "no, my headache is too painful"

the nurse placed the glass pitcher on the table and clasped her hands across her stomach, pressing her lips together before speaking. "you fainted in the bathroom during PE class, your friend took you here and she said that it's normal for you to get sick sometimes when you're on your period but it's new for you to faint during your first day."

eunbi gasps and she looks at the calendar beside her, she does a face palm. damn, i missed that? i always record when am i going to get it. she looks to the nurse with her hands put together, as if she's about to ask for something nicely. "do you have a spare napkin?" she smiled. the nurse gestures to the bathroom and eunbi springs out of the bed. she made a beeline for the bathroom and immediately took care of her business. oh good heavens, i'm wearing the spare uniform and had a napkin on before i passed out. eunbi sighed in relief, amazed by how lucky she is.

when eunbi got out of the bathroom, the nurse lends her a pill and a glass of water. "please, drink this and take the necessary medications at home. you're sick because of your monthly discharge but you fainted because you were dehydrated so please remember to always drink water. i've already put your belongings on top of your bed and even so, it's not long until the remaining school hours are over so you're advised to kindly wait it out" eunbi takes the medication and thanks the nurse before she retreats to her room.

now, let's see if this is complete. she pursed her lips and walks towards the bed, checking if there is anything missing in her things. subject books, check. my stained pe uniform, yikes but check. hmm, what else? bag, check. eunbi closed her bag and pushes it to the side of the bed, revealing a grey hoodie resting on the bottom of the bag. eunbi picks up the hoodie and observes it.

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