The one I love⭐️Luke Alvez

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Hey guys, this was requested anonymously, so please enjoy!

Warnings: mentions of abuse, rape and attempted suicide. Read at your own risk.

Y/n didn't have the best childhood growing up. Her mother left while she was very young and her father blamed her everyday for it. He drank a lot, so that really didn't help her. He'd beat her, leaving bruises and cuts along her frame. She had to make up so many excuses on how she obtained them. Most of them were dumb excuses, knowing the people she told them to didn't believe her, but they knew better than to press on. The abuse was the only thing she had to face at a young age until her body started to grow and blossom into her teen years. She looked a lot like her mother, at least that's what her father saw. Most girls would love to look like their mothers, but that wasn't the case for Y/n. She hated it, because once she started to develop, her dad added onto the abuse with sexual assault. Y/n hated her body for a long time growing up, she felt disgusted. She attempted to take her own life a few times. Once with taking a whole bunch of random pills and once with taking sleeping pills and sitting in a full bathtub. They were obviously all failed attempts. Once she was of age and graduated she left as soon as she had the chance. She moved off and attended college where she ended up meeting her best friend, her partner in crime, Luke ALvez. They have been irreparable ever since they met. He was the only one she ever told about what had happened to her. He didn't care how broken she was. He helped her see how amazing she is and that the past doesn't have to haunt you. She was happy again. But that seemed to have changed when she found out Luke had a girlfriend. She wasn't gonna lie, she had a crush on her best friend, he made her feel special. Y/n tried being supportive once she found out but for some reason his girlfriend, Lisa, didn't like her. Was she threatened by her?
*A month ago*

Y/n awoke feeling happy and cheerful. She danced around her apartment getting ready. She had left something at Luke's apartment and decided to retrieve it today. She also worked up the courage to confess to him. A smile was plastered across her face as she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her keys. Skipping out of the house, she quickly locked the door and headed off to her car. She drove off to his apartment, arriving fairly quickly since there wasn't much traffic. She parked before skipping off to his floor. Approaching the door, she fixed her hair, gave herself a little pep talk before knocking. She heard shuffling from the other side before the door opened revealing a pretty woman with no pants on. Y/n's smile quickly dropped upon seeing the girl, the girl gave her a bitch look, "can I help you?" she asked in a sassy tone. "Babe who is it?" she heard Luke's voice say before he came into view, "Oh Y/n hey," he smiled. "Babe?" she questioned. Luke nodded, "Yeah, Y/n this is my girlfriend Lisa and Lisa this is my best friend Y/n," he introduced. Lisa had her arms crossed, glaring at the slightly smaller girl. Y/n frowned but turned her attention back to Luke, her attitude suddenly changing, "I forgot something here, but I see you kinda busy, so just give it to me at work, I'll text you what it is later," Y/n said slightly bitter. Luke's eyebrows furrowed, she never acted this way with him. "That would be great," Lisa's bitchy voice rang. Y/n kept herself from rolling her eyes, "It was great to meet you," She said through gritted teeth, walking off before Luke could say anything. Y/n sat in her car hands on the steering wheel just staring off before hitting her head on the top of the wheel, "Damn it," she sighed before heading back home.

When she arrived home she noticed she had a few messages from Luke, but she didn't bother to read them. Suddenly, her phone dinged again, she sighed, expecting another text from Luke but it was an unknown number. The message read, "I don't give a shit who you are to Luke, I want you to stay the fuck away from him." Y/n's eyebrows furrowed, 'how the hell did she get my number' she thought to herself. Y/n ignored the message, she wasn't gonna let some girl get in the way of her and Luke's friendship. She may not be able to have him but she wasn't gonna let that ruin their friendship. She sighed, finally opening Luke's messages.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"What did you leave here?"


"Are you mad at me?" Y/n frowned before sending a quick message.

"I left my mascara, just give it to your girlfriend,"

She closed her phone and set it down. She stared at herself in the mirror and everything she fought so hard for started to crumble. Tears left her eyes.
*2 weeks ago*

Luke started bringing Lisa around their co-workers a lot more. Lisa glared at Y/n any chance she got. Lisa constantly texted her and threatened her about staying away from Luke and she finally had it. They all were at Rossi's for a little get together and of course Luke just had to bring Lisa. Penelope was standing next to Y/n when she noticed Lisa giving her the death glare. Penelope knew about what was going on with this Lisa girl, but not about the feelings she had towards the man. "I'm starting to get tired of this bitch staring at you," she mumbled. She nodded, "me too, I need to talk to Luke about it," she said, setting her drink down and walking towards them. Lisa's glare became more intense as Y/n approached. "Luke I need to talk to you," she said once she approached. "Ok," "Alone," she sighed. He nodded and began to walk towards you but Lisa put her arm out in front of him, "Excuse me," She sassed. "Babe it's alright, it's just Y/n," he said before moving past her and walking off with her.

Once they were alone Y/n turned to him. "So what's up?" he asked. Is he really that oblivious to what's going on. "I'm sorry but I can't keep this in anymore so, I'm sick and tired of being threatened by your girlfriend and being glared at everytime I'm around you, so I think it's best if we just stay away from each other, because you clearly love her and I don't wanna be in the way of that," she said. Luke's eyes widened, "What? Threatening you?" She nodded, "but it's fine, you won't have to worry about it, I only care about your happiness," she sighed before walking off and leaving him there. "Thanks for the party Rossi, I'll see you guys at work," Y/n said before leaving. Lisa looked like she had a satisfied smirk on her face but Y/n didn't really pay attention as she left.

It had been 2 weeks since the party and Y/n did everything to ignore Luke. She ignored his messages. She ignored him when he tried to talk to her about anything not related to work. Luke missed his best friend. It wasn't until now, when Luke was sitting in his room thinking, that he realized ever since she left he missed her. Of course he missed her as a friend, but he slowly started to realize his feelings for her resurfaced. He has a thing for her back in college but he pushed them away and ended up forgetting about them. Luke stood up and walked out to see Lisa sitting on the couch with her phone in hand. He snatched it out of her hand looking down at her, "what the h-" "did you threaten Y/n to stay away from me," "Bab-" "Answer me!" he shouted. She stayed silent. He tisked before going through her messages and finding the ones with Y/n. After reading them he looked at Lisa and threw her phone down next to her, "Get the fuck out of my house and leave me and Y/n the hell alone, got that?" She scoffed before grabbing all her things and leaving, "Have fun with you bitch," she said before walking out the door. Luke furiously ran his hands through his hair before grabbing his keys, 'I've got to see Y/n' he thought before running down to his car. He quickly drove to her apartment and ran to her floor. He knocked hectically really wanting to see her. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, 'who the hell is knocking on my door like that,' she wondered before opening the door to see Luke. She quickly frowned before trying to shut the door but Luke put his foot in the way, holding the door open. "Y/n wait!" "Luke go away, your girlfriend wouldn't like you here," she mumbled. "I broke up with her," he quickly said. Y/n slowly opened the door and looked at him, her eyes were red and her face was puff, probably from crying earlier, "why?" she asked. "Because she hurt the person I truly love." Y/n's eyes widened, "I'm sorry what?" She asked like her ears had deceived her. "Y/n I am in love with you, and I understand if you don't feel the same, and I understand if you hate me now, but even if you don't like me back, most importantly I miss my best friend, so please-" before he could say anything else she grabbed his shirt and pulled him down kissing his lips with her soft ones. Luke quickly responded and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close. Y/n slowly pulled away placing her face in his chest, "I love you too dummy," she mumbled, "but I swear if you let someone come between us again, I'll kill you too," he threatened. They both laughed before she let him in and they spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling.
This was my first request so I hope it was to your liking :)

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