Ch 15: Commander Estrella

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Telling the masses has a similar reaction to telling the Queen's immediate counsel. Shocked gasps match shocked expressions, confused questions weaved with chaotic whispering called out in the uproar.

I sit next to Celestia, the council stretched on either side of us. It took no time for me to realize that Celestia and I are directly in the center of the room. Together. On matching chairs on a matching level.

It feels symbolic in a sense and I feel stronger because of it.

She looks different now. Far more alert and... tense. Even physically she appears more harsh and cold.

I know this is the side that everyone else sees constantly. The side that earned her her title.

And then there's the soft, tender side with molten warm eyes.

I saw how utterly taken aback everyone was by Celestia's sudden change.

Change... For me.

I feel a sinking rock of realization and it's almost enough to send me into shock, so in the nick of time I force myself out of my thoughts and into the present moment.

"I draw the line here, Queen Celestia," snarls a man, slamming his fist down and standing forcefully enough to send his chair flying back, "last night's ruling was far too outrageous as it is! But this? Joining forces the humans?! Treating them like equals?!"

"I agree with General Angston, we will be the laughing stock of the entire kingdom, it is suicide to our pride and dignity! Non of the other kingdoms will take us seriously if we stoop so low as to equate ourselves with the humans," another lord declares loudly in agreement.

"The human girl is our only connection to preventing more attacks, or at least being ready for more," One of the council members to Celestia's left speaks out.

I am grateful that we spoke to the council first, and even more thankful that I managed to convince them of mine and Celestia's idea. Looking around I get the sense that if the council were not on our side then the outcry would be louder and violent. However, with the most respected elders backing the Queen and I there seems to be more space and hesitantion for consideration.

"That makes it no clearer as to Why we ought to join them," general Angston snaps, "why not torture the information from the girl? We could find out all about this supposed caves and find all the resistant camps and capture the humans."

There seems to be some change of thought in some of the vampires, some even nodding and swaying to the the generals argument.


"What on Arabeth is so hard about being decent and fair? Do you want to be known as the species who took and destroyed and was feared or the species who united and was respected?  Despite your most probable personal belief, humans are intelligent. The fact that we have this knowledge of the underground sea should stand proof of that, there are more of us then you realize and there are only very select few who know how to map and use these caves. Those who know?"-I pause and laugh, my eyes never straying from the generals,- "you will never be able to get that information out of them. But this? A peace treaty? We'll lead you right intothe unexpecting heart of the werewolves nest. And like we said, we will donate blood for the promise of equal rights and safety. Do your farming, continue the jobs we do for you already but of course for pay. These are things that your elders can address with mine."

Stunned silence. Not a single vampire in the roomhas obviously ever heard a human speak with such resilience and defiance, or show such confidence.

"I am ashamed that you, a general who I once admired, fail to see logic so simple," Celestia chuckles next to me, reaching forward for a glass of wine and taking a sip, watching the man splutter. She cocks her head, her silky purr smug, "it must be damaging to your ego, to be outspoken and outsmarted by an eighteen year old human girl."

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