Ch 16: Confrontations

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"You have about sixty seconds to explain yourself before I make you pick which window I will throw you out of," Celestia snarls as soon as she hears Estrellas and Nicole's footsteps down the passage.

"We are on the fourth floor," Eloise states in shock.

Celestia raises her eyes to the ceiling.

"You are right, I will have to take you up a few floors for the damage to be enough for you to learn a lesson," she says, lowering her gaze and taking a few slow strides towards her younger sister.

Eloise gulped, images of her mother disciplining her after bad behavior as a child coming to mind. The older they got the more Celestia appeared like her mother. The only difference is her mother had a soft, loving touch. Celestia was hardly soft unless she spoke to children or she was calming down frantic civilians.

Then came Estrella. Eloise had never seen Celestia act the was she does with Estrella.

"Fifty three seconds," Celestia says, taking another step and drumming her fingers across a countertop.

"Listen, I was never going to hurt her. Check her, I was careful not to.. At least not too badly, I mean she fucking dislocated my knee!" Eloise says, taking another step away and gesturing to her knee that did look as if it were in an unnatural position.

"As feisty as Estrella is, I highly doubt she sought you out and deliberately injured your leg," Celestia sighs, rolling her shoulder and stretching out her wrist. Eloise's eyes dart to her sister's movements and widen, "fourty seconds."

"Okay, I asked to talk to her and that's it, all I wanted to know is how on Arabeth she managed to get you to cave to the idea of siding with humans," Eloise says, feeling a lot how she imagined Estrella had felt only moments ago, only she knew full well that Celestia would indeed throw her out that window.

She had done worse.

"Thirty," Celestia says, stretching her neck and allowing her fangs to unsheath themselves, her eyes turning red.

"If I knew she was your mate I wouldn't have even dared! Celestia I'm sorry," Eloise blurts out and she cowers away, knowing for certain now that her suspicions had in fact been predictions.

Celestia freezes, her fangs sliding back into hiding as she draws back.

Eloise looks up again when the strike doesn't come.

"So it is true," Eloise says quietly, and Celestia doesn't respond, her jaw clenching.

Eloise let's out a harsh ironic laugh.

"A fucking human girl, oh sister..." she chuckles, walking past Celestia and to a drink cabinet.

"Who else knows?" Celestia asks, watching Eloise pour herself a glass of whiskey.

"I don't know, but it's not exactly hard to figure out Celestia. Everyone will catch on soon enough," Eloise turns, taking a sip and leaning back against the cabinet counter.

"I do not know why you think that concerns me. I will have to announce it at some point, it is an occurrence that has been long awaited and calls for a ceremony," Celestia says, still itching to smash her sisters head into a wall for laying a hand on Estrella, "she is my mate. It makes her their Queen to be, regardless of herspecies. You know this." 

"Celestia you aren't stupid. You just announced that we are to treat humans as equals, and now it comes out that a human is your mate. You know the questions they will ask," Eloise scoffs, taking a larger sip and wincing as she swallows.

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