~2~ hehe

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~Roe POV~

we board the plane after about an hour of waiting. we all get our seats and i go to sleep right away


"ROE GET UP" Hanna wakes me up in a panic and i hear sirens and people are screaming. 


"WE'RE FALLING" i look outside and we are zooming past clouds and nearing the ocean. in a panic i get up and open the door, i hear people screaming but pay no attention, i lean out a bit and shoot magma hoping it will cool fast enough.  Alex runs up beside me and jumps. everyone else is freaking out. me and Hanna look at each other, knowing whats happening. He starts freezing spots on the ocean for people to climb on when the plane crashes.


the plane hits the water. everyone is panicking and swimming out. I'm doing my best to make sure everyone is on the ice while we wait for pros to come. 


after about an hour i see my dad, ground zero, and shoto. they help everyone calm and board onto the rescue plane. i run up and explain to dad what happened. i told him about how me and Alex helped everyone and how i was woken from a nap to this bullshit. he brings me into a hug, "im so proud of you." he starts crying, "I was so worried that you or your friends wouldnt make it and after i was told Alex jumped out i got shoto and we came as fast as we could. kiri couldn't come because he was patrolling but hes confident in you"


ayy its @kageyamas_bestfriend again

next chapter will be hannas pov cdhjdjl

words: 275

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