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 Hanna's pov

After the accident Jiro one of my moms said she will come to pick me up at the airport.Thank god everyone was safe thanks to Roe and Alex.I wish I could have helped but my quirk isn't adapted for this kind of things. I have the best quirk I could get from both my mums Momo yaorozu(the number 4 hero) and Kyoka Jiro (the number 7 hero). I call it sound wave I can create waves of really high or really low sounds and I can also create small objects the maximal size I can reach is the size of a school backpack. So I wasn't of any use at the moment. What if I actually bothered Roe or Alex?!

I was once again overthinking things so Roe moved a hand before my eyes saying :

- « Earth to Hanna!Oi were you even listening ? »

I shake my head no and she sights :

- « You know you shouldn't blame yourself for not being able to help,The most important thing is that everyone is safe ! »

I was surprised at how well she knew me.

- « She's right Hanna you really have to stop overthinking things ! » added Alex.

-« I know » I answered.

Roe and Alex were one of my first and closest friends. In elementary I never had friends no one liked me ,they all were jealous of me because of my parents. The only girl that talked to me Miria used me for my parents money and once she didn't need me anymore she just dumped me.I cried a lot in my mothers arms.I couldn't understand why no one liked me. Was it bad to have to moms ?So over time I got used to being by my own and being alone didn't bother me.Plus my mom Momo but me my fist manga when I was 8 so I had a way to distarct myself from the reality and I could enjoy someting when I was at school.But then one day this girl aproched me she had many friends,Roe pro hero Ground zero and Red riot's daughter. That's why I was so surprised when she asked me what was my name. After that day she became my bestfriend and introduced me to some other people that,s when I met Alex and we imediatly became friends.

We chatted a litlle more before I saw my mother's car parking. I hugged my friends and said :

- « I gotta go guys,my mom,s here see you at school on Monday ! »

I went outside and run to my mum jumping on her nearly making her fall and hugging her tightly.

- « I'm so glad you're okay my baby » She whispered.

After spending a few minutes like this we let go of each other and went to the car. I told her about every thing that happened on our way back home.

Hey guys it's Hanna the second autor of this book in colaboration with  

This is the first chapter in Hanna's POV I hope you liked it. 479 words

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