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"Hey guys..what is this..?" Emma asked, her tiny six year old hand grabbing the iron bars. A different girl, slightly older than Emma, stood with her back against the bricks. Unable to look through the gates. "So is this what Mom always tells us about? Never go near the gate or fence at the back of the forest because it's dangerous." A six year old Ray looked over at the orange-haired girl, who was next to the six year old albino named Norman.

"She says that, but it's not true." Ray says as he turns his gaze back towards the gate. "It's not...?" Norman questioned. "Hey Ray! What would you do outside?" Emma chirped. "I don't know. You Emma?" "I'd ride a giraffe!" She cheered. "Good luck." Ray finished. Norman wrapped his fingers around the iron bars in front of him. "This gate...Y'know, I wonder what it's really keeping us protected from." The blue haired girl flinched at that sentence. "Believe nothing you hear from that woman, it's only lies." The trio glanced at her. "You mean Mom, Suzume?" Norman asked his younger sister.

"Good morning everyone!!! Time to get up! Or you'll miss breakfast!!" I groaned as soon as I heard Emma call out. I sat up, only to get knocked back down by one of my siblings. "Morning Suzu!!" A small blue-eyed boy smiled down at me. I pat his head and helped him button his shirt. "Morning Phil." Once I got dressed and brushed my hair, I walked towards the kitchen.

I was about to reach the table, when I heard Emma call out to me, Norman and Ray. "Hey guysh! Good mordnin!" I turned around and showed a small smile. "Hi Emma! Good morning!" Norman greeted. "Good morning, Emma!" Ray smirked. "Morning Emma." I waved. "You're so full of energy and you haven't even had your breakfast yet." Norman smiled and pushed the cart. "C'mon, how old are you five?" I chuckled. "Emma, be a little more mature." I dropped my smile and sat down in my chair next to Norman. "I'm eleven! Same as you guys! And one of the oldest kids here!" She whined.

Mama then rang the bell, signaling that it was time for breakfast. Everyone sat down and then Mama began a small thanks. "Good morning to you, my darling children. Now, let us appreciate that all 39 of you are able to live happy lives under this roof." She clasped her hands together, "We are thankful." And we repeated. "Thank you for our breakfast." We all began to eat and some of my siblings chatted happily amongst each other.

"Age 11. Type 1. Answer each question within 10 seconds. When you hear the tone begin."
I gazed at the screen in front of me, as I began zooming through the questions. I finished my last question right before the timer went off. I sighed and took the headphones off. Everyone began to speak and chatter about. Mama quieted us down, and sorted the stack of papers in her arms. "Norman, Ray, Emma, Suzume. Perfect scores again! Fantastic! I'm so proud!" She grinned. "Yay!!" Emma spoke . I rolled my eyes, and leaned back.

The younger kids kept going on and on about us four getting perfect scores again. "Norman!" I heard Don yell. I glanced over.  "I'm challenging you to tag!" I scoffed and stood up. "Suzu, won't you play with us?" Anna asked me, before I had the chance to reach the front of the class. I turned around and opened my mouth, but Mama stopped me. "I'm afraid Suzume has some chores to do at the moment, but when she's done I'm sure she'll go out and play!" She gave them a closed eye smile, even though many of them complained. I waved and walked out.

Once I finished my so-called 'chores' I ran outside to see if playtime was still in session. I smiled when I saw everyone outside. I walked over to Ray and sat beside him. "Emma's still left?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, who knows how Norman'll get her this time." I started to pick at the grass when I heard two pairs of footsteps come up. I looked up and my eyes locked with Norman's. He smiled at me, I blushed and looked away. Emma threw herself to the ground and began whining. "I can't believe he caught me again! Why do I keep loosing! This is so frustrating!"

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