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(4&5 are together)

Before the situation yesterday, Norman had told me he had a plan to find the traitor or traitors, he said that he'd tell Don the rope was under the bed and Gilda in the second floor bathroom ceiling. Going against my will, I had to tell Mama. I felt bad, but I decided to frame Don, so I gave a note to her and went to bed. The next day carried on as usual. I did the daily test and went to help Mama with Carol, after that, I sat under the tres and began to sketch out a memory of when me and the trio were younger. After I did my chores I ran off to find the trio. I already thought about what Mama told me...it was just a petty notebook, and I'd have to come clean about myself anyway. "Emma! Ray!" I looked around for them. "Suzu!!" I heard my name being called so I stopped and turned around, only to be thrown to the ground. "You finally get to play today!" I looked up and saw Phil, giggling and giving his signature smile.

I nodded and gave a small smile. "I do, but can you tell me something? Where's Emma, Ray..and Norman?" He got up and tilted his head. "They went to the right side of the house." I nodded and stood up, ruffling his hair. "Thanks buddy." He smiled as I walked off.

I stood in between Ray and Norman, after playing tag in teams for training reasons obviously. "This was a great idea! I think it'll work!" I grinned and looked at Norman. He smiled, then Ray spoke up. "Emma...whats Phil's score?" I looked at him, he was staring at Phil. "His score huh..? I'm..pretty sure he's averaging about 203." I answered. "Pretty high.." Norman added. I was confused. "When we played tag with Sister and now, he was one of the last left..how odd. And on top of that, he and Sherry are always looking for you too." Ray explained. It took me a second, but I realized what he meant.

I gasped and whined. "Ahh stop it! I don't wanna suspect him! There's no way!" Ray glared at me. "You gotta start being more suspicious of everyone you dummy! This is life or death!" I pouted and looked back up. "We need to talk." We all got startled and looked over. "S-Suzume?!"


I sighed and sat in the chair by the round table. "I-I thought you were-" I put my hand up, motioning for Emma to be quiet. "I know, and I was..still am, but I decided to forgive you..it was just a petty notebook after all, and besides, I'd have to come clean about myself eventually anyway." Their stares hardened. I stood up and moved in front of them. "Just...let's go back to being friends again." I put my hand out and smiled a little. Emma smiles brightly at me and grabbed my hand, Norman and Ray following after. "Glad to have you back Suzume! We promise to never do something like that again!" She told me. I smiles more and nodded, pulling my hand away. "Thank you." They smiled and nodded.

After we talked to Don and Gilda that night, I was frustrated the next day. I felt so bad for giving them false hope. The day went on and on like normal, but it changed quickly that night when Norman called me and Ray. I followed them to the bathroom. I gulped and watched as Norman pulled the bag of rope down from where he hid it. I sighed as Ray check it. After that, we went to the other children's room and to Norman's bed. Me and Ray stood there, waiting to see if Norman found it. "No rope?" Ray asked. The white-haired boy shook his head. "It's gone." Said boy stood up. "Really?" I sighed and spoke after Ray. "Guess it was Don.." I noticed Ray give a small smirk and I immediately grew suspicious, even though I was a traitor, I couldn't help but feel betrayed.

Norman leaned in closer to us. "Actually, it's the both of you who's the traitor. Ray, Suzume." Ray and I looked at him, a slightly shocked expression crossing our faces. A few minutes of standing there I moved and sat on the bed. Norman explained that he set a trap for 4 people, the spots he told us, and two different spots he told Don and Gilda. Ray laid down beside me and covered his face. I scoffed as he started laughing. "Aw man, and here I thought we were doing so well." He sat up. "Yea, you're right, we're the ones who's been spying for mom." He spoke. I looked at Norman with a blank expression. They talked for a while more.

I stood up abruptly and giggled, they looked at me. "Oh please~ we're the strongest cards you have~!" I walked up close to his face. "Face it, no one else can compare to us, and we don't just have info on the tracking devices and Mama. The amount of things we've learned is beyond imaginable." I moved away and sat beside Ray again. Said boy spoke and talked to Norman, at this point I was barley listening. Until the white haired boy said something that upset me. "But I thought you wanted me and Emma to stay alive." I scoffed and stood up. "It'd be better to be shipped off then die escaping." I watched as Ray walked out of the room a little bit afterwards.

I glanced at Norman's expression, he looked scared and worried. "Don't fret Norman, it'll be over before you know it. Well, as long as you don't lie to Ray~" I giggled and opened the door. " Oh..and one more thing." I glanced back at him, he looked up at me. "I'd be careful with Don...he's bound to mess up and find out exactly what you haven't told him about Connie and the others." His breathed hitched. "Wh-Who told-" I smiled. "I have my ways Norman." With that I walked out and closed the door.


Ray dragged me to the forest unwillingly so we could tell Emma who the 'informants' were. I groaned and he let go of me. "So, what happened with the rope? Did you find out who the informant or informants are?" Emma asked. "Actually.." Norman began. "Oh that? Its us, we're the ones who's been leaking info." Ray interrupted, pointing to himself and me. Emma was confused so after Norman cleared it up, she understood better. After Ray explained why he didn't tell them sooner, Emma was happy, then sad, then somehow angry right afterwards. She walked up and grabbed Ray's hand, squeezing it harshly. "You have to promise me that you'll never do that again. You're not alone..you've got us now..so..-"

I laughed after Ray 'gave her his word'. "I'm done talking, This clearly had nothing to do with me." I turned and started walking. "I know everything Suzume! I know why!" Emma called out. I froze mid-step, my breath hitched. I heard Ray hiss at her. "What are you doing..!?" She gulped. "I know...what happened that night...when..Jaden was shipped out." She began, I stood straight and listened to her. "You followed them..didn't you? And you tried to stop him from being adopted, or at least..convince the so-called parents..to adopt you...but you didn't make it in time..." I heard her slowly taking steps forward. "Emma..!" Norman hushed. "You saw him...die..didn't you..? You had to go through that..all alone.."

I began tearing up and I bit my lip harshly, drawing blood. "You must've been so..so..scared Suzume...and I know..nothing can ever compare to what you saw.." She was behind me. "You don't have to be scared anymore...we're always here for you...the three of us." She hesitantly put her hand on my shoulder. "So please, don't feel like this anymore...we want to be there for you Suzume..like all those years ago." I let tears fall as I turned around. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Forgive me, Emma..Ray..Norman..I'm sorry." She hugged me once my voice cracked. I sniffled and hesitantly hugged her back and closed my eyes.

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