Brad the Baby

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~~~Picture is from my trip last year to Macy~~~

Ally P.O.V

"Hey Jake! Look! Here comes the geek train!" Brad shouted and pointed to the group of geeks walking to the lunchroom.

I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut. "Welcome to Meanieville, where you will be judged by what you look like, how you talk, and the 'group' you belong to. Have a nice stay."

"Mhm." Clarissa said, playing with her hair and getting a dreamy eye.

I looked at her hard and sighed. "Um Clar, are you in lala-land again?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Huh? What?" Clarissa shook her head and looked at me.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "I was just talking about how mean Brad and Jake are."

"They aren't that bad." Clarissa said, shrugging.

I looked at her blankly and then burst out laughing. "You've got to be kidding me. For the last week, you've been ranting about how Jake wouldn't stop stealing your pencils."

"I think it's kinda cute when Jake steals them." Clarissa then blushed and slapped her hand to her mouth.

"Okay. Either someone has replaced you with a clone, or you got some serious problems." I said.

Clarissa rolled her eyes. "Hey, I don't have any metal issues."

She leaned against the locker, hugging her books, staring off to space. "Have you thought about what it would be like to have a boyfriend?"

I grabbed her arm to steady myself. "When I think you can shock me no more, BAM. There's a shocker."

She swatted my hand away. "Don't be silly. We are in high school, almost going to college. And have you noticed we are the only ones in the class who doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriends, Smoyfriends. They aren't needed in our life. We can survive without them." I said. "Now let's go eat before the lunch line gets too long." I grabbed her hand and pulled her in the lunchroom.

I felt her huff behind me. I rolled my eyes. Way to be positive here.

I got in line with Clarissa behind me.

"I'm serious. Have you ever thought about boys? Even for a brief moment?" Clarissa persisted.

I shook my head. "Nope, no, nada."

"Are you surrre?" Clarissa pressed.

"Clar, I haven't! What do you not get about that statement?" I said, exasperated and moving forward in the line.

"Fine fine." Clarissa said. "But I still don't believe you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever floats your boat."

I walked forward.

"Brad in the house!" Brad shouted.

I recognize that voice anywhere. I turned to look at him. Our eyes met for a split second and his smile faltered.

I turned away. I shook my head. "Don't they know that they are going to go to college in a year? They still act like 5th graders."

"Well girls mature faster than boys. So I'm not surprised." Clarissa said.

I gave a small laugh. I reached the 'buffet' of foods. I got a tray and put salad, spaghetti, pudding, some grapes, and a sandwich on my tray. I went to the cashier and paid for my lunch.

I looked around the lunchroom. I saw an empty table and walked over to it. I slid in the seat and Clarissa sat in the seat across me.

"You eat a lot." Clarissa said flatly.

"Wow thanks for the truth." I said and forked the spaghetti.

She bit her apple and gave me an innocent smile.

"So what was up when we were at the lockers?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked, taking another bite.

"I meant-" I didn't have time to talk because I felt the table shift.

I looked to the right of me and narrowed my eyes. Brad was sitting next to me, smirking.

Jake was sitting next to Clarissa, with her face looking as red as a tomato.

"Sup girls. Like your lunch?" Jake said.

I ignored him. Brad started poking me on the shoulder.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

I tried ignoring him but he persisted.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

I took a deep breath and turned my head slowly to look at him. He was smirking at he kept poking me. I grabbed his finger and twisted it, throwing it down.

"What do you want?" I glared.

"Well I don't know. What do you want?" Brad added, "I heard you conversation with Clarissa. I know you are lonely."

"I have Clarissa." I said.

"Are you sure that you don't want a boyfriend? Cause you stand out in the school. There's probably a club for boyfriendless girls. Hey! You should join!" Brad joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure. And there's a pig flying in the lunchroom."

"Huh? There is?!" Brad looked around the lunchroom.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "No dumbass."

"So what do you do in your spare time?" He asked.

"Enjoying Clarissa's company without distractions." I glared at him.

"What's with the glaring? I mean, what do you have against me anyways?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Well tell me why you are here." I demanded.

"Only if you answer my question." Brad pouted.

I sighed. He should go by the name Brad the Baby. Such a perfect name for him.

"Well you're mean, cruel, annoying, a big baby, noisy, you go into people's business-" I raised a finger for every reason and then he cut me off.

"Okay okay I get it. I'm not very likeable." Brad grinned.

"Well, it's just that I don't like you." I said simply and shrugged.

"What should I do to change your mind about me?" Brad asked, smirking.

"You can't change my mind about you." I said and started on my sandwich.

"Are you surrre?" Brad asked.

I put down my sandwich and sighed. "Now you sound like Clarissa."

Speaking of Clarissa, I looked across to her. She was looking down at her plate, but I could tell she was blushing. Jake was playing on his phone. They looked kind of awkward together but that was probably because they weren't interacting.

I turned my attention to Brad who was still smirking at me.

"Yes I'm sure that you can't change my mind about you." I stated.

"I think I can change your mind." Brad smirked.

He leaned over so he was right in front of my face. He eyed my lips.

I sort of panicked. Was I gone have my first kiss? What the hell? I don't want it to be with him! Ah! My brain was swarming with thoughts.

He smiled, as if he knew that my heartbeat was 100 times faster than normal and that he was the cause of it.

He then whispered in my ear, "Meet me in the parking lot after school."


Hey!!! We hope you like the first chapter!

Writer: IncredibleThings19-Vivian

Editor: peaceoutkids~Vanessa

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