I am Claimed and Gods get Annoying Already

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I had been introduced to the camp everyone apparently surprised that I was never found for 16 years and yet I calmly dispatched of the Minotaur with little issue, however I had more pressing matters on my mind as I approached the Hephaestus cabin to repair my armor after all it has been through these past few weeks after all I had little time to fix it after it went through the fight between me and Artorias and then I fought Manus with it, looking down at it, the armor had many dents and even a puncture wound that entered the lower abdomen. I give a heavy sigh as I knocked on the cabin door waiting for someone to answer eventually seeing their councilor, Charles Beckendorf answer asking what I wanted.

Y/N: I was wondering if you could perhaps repair my armor it has seen many fights recently had hasn't been maintained well because lack of supplies to do so.

Charles: Let me see it

I removed the armor to allow him to repair it as I walked around the camp while he examined the armor to see what he is working with.

I removed the armor to allow him to repair it as I walked around the camp while he examined the armor to see what he is working with

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(your clothes for now)

I continued to roam the camp a bit bored until a certain child of war tried to get on my bad side early on but I ignored her as I had other things on my mind like how to get home or if my powers worked here. However the campers had other plans and wanted me to join them in capture the flag and I did but refrained from going all out on the other team.  As night was approaching a storm hit the camp I approached the centaur I came to know as Chiron the person in charge of training the half-bloods.

Y/N: Does it normally storm this bad here or is this rare for you?

Chiron: It shouldn't be raining at all really they usually go around the camp because of the gods.

Y/N: So is one of them mad for some reason?

Chiron: Zeus's master bolt was stolen and suspects that the culprit is the child of Poseidon.

Y/N: And that son is?

Chiron: I suspect that it's Percy who Zeus is blaming.

Y/N: He suspects a 12 year old who can sometimes barely wield a sword on luck it seems, and that barely found out about this world maybe two or three days ago? Is he sure it's Percy or is there another reason why he might think it's him?

Chiron: the gods once tricked Zeus and trapped him until he promised to be a better ruler and Poseidon was involved and ever since Zeus hasn't trusted him, to make things worse they are both to stubborn at times to talk with each other.

Y/N; That sounds familiar to a degree but to each their own.

Chiron: How old are you Y/N?

Y/N: About 16 why?

Chiron: How has no one found you until now?

Y/N: It's a long story.

Chiron: Well when you are ready I would love to hear it.

Y/N: No you wouldn't. I committed many evils and when I tried to fix them I committed many more, I have only done one good thing in the end and that was redeem someone important to me.

Chiron: You are not as bad as you think you are, I can tell you have been through a lot and it weighs heavily on you.

Y/N: I perhaps will let you know later if it is important or not but for now what do I have to do to prove Percy is innocent?

Chiron: There is nothing you can do until you are claimed.

Y/N: And if my mother is to claim me what then would I have to do?

Chiron: Get a quest from the Oracle.

Y/N: This sounds to easy what's the twist

Chiron: Quest's wordings can often have a different meaning then one would think.

Y/N: So I have to keep a open mind on it or risk it biting me in the ass.

Chiron: If you want to put it that way yes but you shouldn't worry just relax and have fun while you still can.

Y/N: There is too much work that needs to be done I can't rest knowing someone's life is in danger while I can do something about it.

Chiron: But you can't do anything about it you haven't been clai...med

His delay had me confused as I looked towards him before noticing the light over my head and looking up at it. It was shining like the moon as a bow and arrow image floated above my head.

Y/N: Well Chiron when can I take that quest?

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