New Queen

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I quickly ran out of my room and through the halls, finding none of the guests had left. They saw me, and whispered. Many gasped from the blood. I groaned and stripped off layer after layer as I ran. By the time I got down to the dungeon, I was only in the thin gown like lay out that I put on first. My sword in hand, I stared at my sister. She. Was in the cell. Door wide open. Two hands on a gun. Pointing at Zayne's sleeping head.

I stared at her hard with new anger. She was threatening to kill Zayne. I knew she would. But me seeing it set me off. Brought on new adrenaline that tensed up my muscles and screamed at me to charge. "You came just in time sister. Your handsome friend, dying in this filthy cell. His pathetic little life ending down here. His worthless blood all over the cell. After all of this Ill gladly have you clean it up." She laughs and looks down at Zayne. The click of the bullet getting into place.

"Zayne!" I scream. My sister pulls the trigger. Zayne wakes up and instinctively rolls out of aim. He jumps to his feet and stares at my sister. I see him glance at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Long time no see, crystal. How's it going?" He asks so casually, even though he knows that that bullet was for him. That I messed up again.

"Nothing much. Just messed up my wedding. Same old same old." I shrug and hold my sword up.

Abigail laughs. "This is also pathetic. You guys having a causal conversation when you know you will die." I take a step towards my sister. She points the gun at me. I stop. "I thought you changed sister." Abigail's reaction was all Zayne needed. He gripped the gun and held it in his hand, pushing it into her spine. His other hand holding her still.

"I did change, Abigail. I became stronger, wiser, and more outspoken. And all thanks to a bloody thief," I look up at Zayne and nod.

He looks down at Abigail, "night, night." My sister opened her mouth to protest, but Zayne shoots. She falls to the ground, instantly dead. I stare down at her lifeless body. I didn't even see Zayne, as he came over to me and stared down at me. "You didn't invite me to your wedding? What a shame. I would have made it more exciting than your royal traditions." I look up at him with a great big smile on my face.

"I wanna get out of here," I say softly. He nods without saying another word. He walks over and picks Abigail up.

"People would have heard the gun shot," he states as I lead the way upstairs. And of course he was right. When we got up there, people were looking towards the dungeon door worriedly. Then when Zayne came up with the dead queen, more idiotic queens and princesses fainted. A lot of people screamed. The princes pulled out their swords.

"Arrest that killer!" Shouted Harold's father. They didn't seem to notice me anymore. I was invisible again. Guards gripped Zayne's arms, causing him to drop the dead queen.

That adrenaline kicked back in, seeing Zayne was in danger again. Who knew how many people who were behind my marriage plan. "Stop this! He is not a killer!" Everyone looks at me, shocked and curious. "No, no. I mean he was the killer but he was only protecting me." I feel myself stiffen as I began to twist the truth. "My sister dragged me down to the dungeon where this man lied for no apparent reason. She opened the door and shoved me into it and began to get rabid and kick and punch me. Then she became so mad she pulled a gun out on me. If it wasn't for this man, I would be dead."

Everyone stares at Zayne for a second. Then they relax a bit and look at the queen's carcass. Disturbed that this kingdom was being ruled by her. Then all of the guests looked towards me. "So you want this man to get away with murder like that?"

I look over my shoulder at Zayne. I nod, "Yes. He saved my life." I think back to the day when he saved me from that pervert in the woods, how he saved me a few weeks ago when I got caught by those guards, and how he just saved me from being killed by my own bloodline. I look back at Harold's Dad. "She went psychotic since I wouldn't marry your son for the bargain they made together."

There were some gasps and I forced myself not to roll my eyes. His dad looked at me with wide surprised eyes, "Well I'm so sorry for that...." He looked at the guards and at my sister. "Future Queen Crystal." At the mention of me as a queen the guards bowed and everyone else nodded their heads. Well at least whoever was still conscious. I stared at them finally surprised myself. I looked at Zayne who just had a smirk on his face as he bowed as well.

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