Chapter TWO - Paranoia

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"I warned you that we shouldn't have told him right away!" Growled Korvair, his snout buried in his hand. "It causes too many problems if he starts to panic!"

Cerulean started freaking out, "I thought that I was on earth... what even happened to me?!" He pushed away Shana and Korvair and ran to the room's door. When he tried to open it via a control panel, it didn't work, so he started pounding on it's hard, metal surface.

"Come on you piece of poorly manufactured shit! Open!" he cried

"Korvair, get the E.M.P. tranquilizer!" yelled shana "Vox I need you to hold him in place!"

"Got it." Korvair and Vox said at the same time.

Please... just open.... I need to get out of here! Cerulean thought, and at that moment, the lights on his body started to glow a bright cyan, and words appeared in the center of his vision, 'Override Initiated.'

"Wait could he be another one of those... tech controllers?" Vox Asked, a curious looking face showing up on his visor

"That doesn't matter." Korvair grumbled as he shot his gun at cerulean

Right as the mechanical dart was about to hit him, the door swung open and cerulean dashed out, just barely dodging the projectile. He kept running through what looked like a small factory with smaller buildings dotted from place to place.

Cerulean heard running behind him and he knew that Vox, Shana, and Korvair were all chasing after him. Tech controller? What the hell?! Questions were racing through his mind, and he knew that he wouldn't get any answers anytime soon.

As he took a sequence of turns, he realized he was no longer in the sterile environment hwe started in. instead, it was a rust covered, corroded and dark area.

"I have to hide! But where?" he breathed to himself turning in any witch way he could to throw off his pursuers, and eventually was able to find a crevice big enough to slip into, but small enough to fully conceal him. With no other choice, he crawled inside, and shut off every form of light on his body, and forced his metal mouth open and disconnected one of his cybernetic arms, trying to make himself look as broken as possible.

He started to hear Vox's voice, "Where did he go? I swear I saw him take this old path to the escape pods."

"I'll check up top," said Shana, gesturing up to a metal walkway. She then proceeded to wall jump between the two rusty walls and landed up on the walkway, then ran along its path, swiftly disappearing from view.

"I'm going to see if we messed up and he went somewhere else" Vox called as he started going back the way he came. Krovair nodded and bent down to the crevice where Cerulean was hiding.

OhCrapOhCrapOhCrap! Cerulean thought There's no way he'll believe that I'm just dead if he sees me! He started to panic and dragged himself farther back into the crevice, leaving only the faintest sound of scraping metal.

Korvair's brow furrowed as he reached into the hole and grabbed Ceruleans disconnect arm. "Jeez. They have to stop throwing the broken parts of other experiments into the unused corridors like these" he said, followed by a scoff.

Korvair tossed the arm behind him, back on the ground, before following Vox's path. Once Cerulean knew that Korvair was gone, He breathed a sigh of relief, closed his mouth, and crawled out of the spot he was hiding in.

"This old place leads to the escape pods?" he asked, re-attaching his arm, "Well then. I guess I'm getting out of this station.

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