It is a new session. New term. A new time to start over. Not thinking of relationship matters just want to be me and my best friend. But everything changes when I meet vallyk pena. Also sticking up for my friends. Making enemies. I just wanted parad...
So we have spent like 1 hour I was not even sure of the time. Just sitting by the side of the wall.
Dawn : we can't just stay here we need to look for a way out of this place Derek: as you can see there is no fucking key to open the damn door out of here. Dawn: excuse me Mr aggressive am sure you haven't watched escape room the movie. That's why you acting like a dumbass. Kobe : that's it. The principal said the games will help us in our mental ability. So all we have to do is to solve some mother fucking riddles. So anyone got any hint Vallyk : look up there is a quote that says what else is opened when there is no door Kobe: I don't get it Laila : I do the answer is a window. the window is the second opening in a room Dawn rushes to the window Dawn : you guys there is a kind of note here Vallyk: what does it say Dawn : the way in is the way out Derek: bullshit. Everyone tries to understand what it means. Mike the goes to the door that they came in with and they were marks on it but number code it was 25-12-2017. Mike : excuse no one answers. He then throws a vase on the floor Derek: if you break stuff that won't help Mike: I found some thing on the door Laila : what is it? Mike : it's numbers. 25-12-2017 Vallyk : I don't understand Laila : what if it was a date..... What happened on December 12 2017 Kobe: that was the year blue hills celebrated a town feast on Christmas Derek : What about the picture of elves having dinner Derek goes close and pushes it then a note came out and said. What type of ship does float on sea. But in the hearts and can be sinked by lack of trust. No one give a fuck about the note. Derek found boom box turned it on and it was playing dance monkey, motor sport.. etc. We all danced had fun. Made jokes shared memories.
Just when Mike shouted urika everyone turns and look at him
Mike: I know the answer for the question it is friendship. It doesn't float on sea but in the hearts and can be bro by lack of trust
Laila: that's right
Everyone searches for a way out but nothing about friendship. Then I saw the mirror I saw all of us in it talking, laughing, sharing ideas and then I called of them
Laila: you guys we are the friend ship We are friends. Look at the mirror
Everyone saw themselves at the mirror. And I went closer and saw this quote on the mirror it says when is a door not a door.
Laila: what does it mean Dawn: I don't know Kobe: me two Derek: don't got a clue Vallyk: no idea Mike: I understand. A door is not a door when it is opened Laila : but the door we came in with is locked Derek: look for another door
Every one starts searching
Dawn: I found something
Laila : what is it
Dawn: this Kobe: is that a door or a safe Vallyk : it's both we need to find a pin That is four digits
Derek: but how
On the door there where two words and it says the first four
Out of anger dawn tries to open the door with three wrong pins then a choking gas starts spreading round the room. Until when it hit. I rushed to the door and pressed 1 2 3 4. The first four digits then the opened we all rushed out and was happy everyone had finished their own game was enjoying themselves
We then laughed
Laila : am happy I made new friends today Vallyk: me two. Let's be a clique to be there for one another all the time Kobe: every clique needs a name Dawn: I got one. The imperils
No one actually like the name We got our phone back got each other numbers Instagram accounts. Made a group chat. Followed each other on Instagram. Took a selfie on my phone and I posted it on my Instagram account...
_itzlaila_ (new post)
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A/N (sorry I couldn't get a group Pic pls manage this... Thanks❤️❤️❤️) Comments Vallykpena: lit 💯💯 Derektrendz: geng👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾 Kbrezzo: Familia ✅ Iamdawn:imperils😍😍😍😍❣️❣️❣️ Slimedumpmike: 💥💥💥💥💥 _christhegreat_: you made new friends😂😂😂😂
So we all got home. I was going to my room until my brother called
Chris: Laila Laila: yes Chris : I saw your Instagram post Laila : soooo Chris: your friends with Derek Laila: yes Chris: and you know what he does Laila: ( chuckles) what does he do Chris: you think am joking Laila: just tell what he does Chris: alright... He sells hard drugs like cocaine, Marijuana etc the guy sells drugs to different students. He is a drug trafficker. Laila: (shocked) how do you know Chris: cause I have seen him do it a billion times Laila: you have no proof Chris: you won't believe me. That's your problem you can ask anyone you like In school. But am saying the truth. As they say tell me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Well to me your a friend of drug trafficker and you will soon join him
Laila: holy shit...
A/N: how will Laila react to this stay tuned for the next update and thanks. You can drop your ideas for the next chapter in the comments. Please vote and share to your friends. Thanks... ❤️❤️❤️❤️