It is a new session. New term. A new time to start over. Not thinking of relationship matters just want to be me and my best friend. But everything changes when I meet vallyk pena. Also sticking up for my friends. Making enemies. I just wanted parad...
Coach: gather round boys Today is the the day I will be announcing the boys that made it to the team and also the eleven that will play on the field. Their names are
Vallyk : am so scared
Derek : me too.
Kobe : here goes nothing.
Coach : Chris with the highest points which makes him the best player on the team, Ezekiel with the second highest points , Victor with the third highest points , Derek with the fourth highest points , vallyk with the fifth highest points , kobe with the sixth highest points and plus 5 other boys.
Vallyk : ( shouts in excitement) I made the team.
Kobe : we all did.
Mike : I didn't
Derek ; Mike didn't make the team.
Coach : from what I saw from practice. Your endurance was low. Your accuracy was below average. I think you should walk harder if you want to be on the team next year.
Ezekiel and Victor comes over
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A/N: Ezekiel ( by the left) good soccer player. A bully. Falls for Clara. Victor( by the right) Also a bully. Good soccer player falls Laura.
Ezekiel : oooh too bad our little nerd didn't make it to the team. We'll that's because football is not a science topic. Mr Einstein
Victor : why don't you go and play with your science apparatus to make yourself a better soccer player. ( they both say laughing).
Derek: will you guys back off.
Ezekiel : why should we when the one off the team is right there.
Kobe ; that's it Kobe punches Ezekiel in the face ( they both started fighting Victor joined Ezekiel to beat Kobe. But Derek got Kobe back and kicks Victor off and uses his elbow to hit him on the head. Kobe carries sand from the ground and threw it in Ezekiel eyes and kicks him the balls) Chris and the coach run to the scene.
Chris : all of you back off now. I mean it.
Coach : is this how you guys wanna start the league fighting, creating rivals between each other. What happened to our team motto united we play, divided we lose.
Chris ; I need all of the best eleven on the field warming up.
Chris faces Mike
Chris : sorry you didn't make the team.
Mike: it's okay.
Chris goes off.
Ezekiel and Victor comes back.
Ezekiel: hey Mike remember one thing the field is not for geek's like you