09 | wake me up before you go bake

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I love you with my WHOLE heart. how we finally became friends from just meeting a few times in elementary summer school and then randomly reconnecting in high school, is beyond me. and maybe that's because it was fate for us to meet again. (': you have helped me in so many ways and I will never be able to fully repay you for all that you have done. I know this season of life is rough right now, but you got this !!!!

POTS AND PANS angrily clanging against each other is what ultimately interrupted my slumber and flashed me back to being five-year-old little Azar on a typical Sunday morning in the Seo household: with my parents yelling at each other like animals...

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POTS AND PANS angrily clanging against each other is what ultimately interrupted my slumber and flashed me back to being five-year-old little Azar on a typical Sunday morning in the Seo household: with my parents yelling at each other like animals, my sister under the table with her dolls, and me on the verge of tears.

The warm presence of someone lying next to me snapped me out of my unconscious reminiscing and brought me to the obvious reality: I had slept over at East's apartment.

My head had somehow remained on East's poor shoulder overnight and while I probably could've complained about my stiff neck as well, knowing that we slept so soundly together brought heat to my cheeks. Especially considering how in past situations with other guys, I would be gone before the sun went up to notice any of these details.

East's brows furrowed as he stirred in his sleep, a fact that caused my hands to move closer to his face and smoothen out the crease that had formed on his forehead. Choosing not to stop there, I continued tracing my thumb down the side of his face until I finally reached his slightly parted lips. They were mildly cracked and dry to the touch but resembled the color of a rich glass of rosé on a hot summer day. I was staring so intensely that I could already feel the state of drunkenness draping over me like a dark cloud.

The inaudible sound of East's mumbling tore the sky in half almost like the rays of sunshine peeking through the curtains from a new, sunny day in Los Angeles.

I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better listen. "What did you say?" I whispered intently.

"Jin Ae..." East murmured.

I could imagine my ears perking up like I was in a kid's cartoon.

"Is a beautiful name..."

Keep the compliments going, I thought, fanning myself with self-appraisal.

"I like..." he began.


I groaned loudly, jumping out of bed and causing a case of vertigo to be on the verge of surfacing to the surface as I half-stumbled, half-ran to the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about. My feet screeched to an abrupt halt when I took the scene in. Zaiden and Isla were drowning in flour, streaks of its powdery, white substance streaked on various areas on their skin. While this was a disastrous scene for a baker who liked to keep her kitchen space clean, at least Naners, who was repeatedly licking at a spot, seemed to be enjoying what had accidentally spilled on the floor.

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