14 | mother knows best

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I talk more about why I am so grateful for you all down below, but this my official THANK YOU for giving this story as much as love as you did, from the minute I published the foreword until now. even if some of you have drifted off because of my lack of consistent replies in the beginning, I am grateful for you. even if you took awhile to read my updates, I am grateful for you. even if you are only discovering this story now, I am grateful for you.

IF I HAD known that operation: meet the parents were going to involve the sweetest people I have ever met, I would have never gone down the road of telling them about a lie that I hadn't even been a part of

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IF I HAD known that operation: meet the parents were going to involve the sweetest people I have ever met, I would have never gone down the road of telling them about a lie that I hadn't even been a part of. While I tried to control my shaking hands the entire elevator ride up, East on the other hand had put on his "game face" of forehead frown lines, furrowed brows and squinted eyes that I couldn't help myself staring.

"You don't have to look scared just because I am," I had told him in the hallway outside of his parents' place, but he shook his head childishly as he swooped down to my level.

"You don't have to be scared. I'm right here," he had whispered into my ear as a response, sending chills running down my spine even as we sat on the couch with his parents later on that afternoon.

We were quietly sipping on our teas that East's mother had brewed for us when she directed the question East and I were dreading to hear: "How long have you been together?"

I almost spat out my tea as the liquid bubbled on the surface of my lips, but East's hand found my knee as he answered for me instead. "Not too long, but it feels like we've known each other for awhile," East stated truthfully, much to his mother's amusement.

"Sounds like your father and I when we were young." She laughed, wiggling her eyebrows at East's father who was sitting on the opposite side of her as we wordlessly sat sandwiched in between the change of tension. His father's expression remained blank, stoic even, but his cheeks held on a tint of color that reminded me a lot about East whenever he would become embarassed.

East clapped his hands together as he rested his elbows on his knees, clearly uncomfortable by what had just unfolded before his own eyes. "What else do you want to know?"

His father was taken aback by this but took this as an opportunity to clear his throat to speak. "Uh, well, how did you meet?"

My hand encircled around East's arm as I leaped at the opportunity. "We met after I had a really bad blind date," I lamely informed them.

I felt East's eyes scanning me from the corner of my vision but before he could say anything, his mother bursted out in laughter.

"Sesange, oh my goodness, that sounds like a scene from a Korean drama! Are you telling me that my awkward son," she leaned over from her spot on the couch to pinch East's cheeks with motherly love, "wooed you even after a date gone wrong?"

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