some important information

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I wanted to do this sooner, and I don't really have an excuse other than being lazy but I wanted to talk about something I've noticed in fanfics. Probably other fictional stories, but I've really only read fanfic that has drug use.

I don't wanna beat around the bush for too long, so I'll just say it and explain because some people don't get it: Weed isn't dangerous.

I'm not gonna sit here and say everyone should be doing it, but the way I've seen it portrayed is just wrong.

I would much rather have my friends and family be using weed than killing themselves with cocaine, heroin, meth, and even alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol, used responsibly, is fine, but can be just as bad.

My main reason for writing this is before you knock someone for using weed, remember they could be killing themselves with other drugs. I'm not saying weed is perfect and has no cons but they're pros compared to the cons of cocaine, heroin, and meth.

Weed helps a lot with anxiety and a Billie Eilish story was brought to my attention recently which is why I decided to share this. It's not super clear to me of weed is the only thing she was using, but she was acting like a bitch and that's not right. Assuming that weed was the only thing, she would be less of a bitch. Less anxious and more chill. Tired and hungry, but not lashing out, being a bipolar dick to everyone for no reason.

I had another main reason for this but as I was writing that I forgot.

Oh and being forgetful.

Weed is a memory loss drug, but I don't have any so that's not why I forgot my other main point.

I think it was this though: if you do plan on writing any kind of story with any kind of drug use, DO YOUR RESEARCH.

And know this: Look at all the celebrities who have died from drug overdoses, or have overdosed and survived. Notice anything?

That's right.

Not a single person has died of a weed overdose.

Research has been done on this and it would take 1,200 joints (or blunts, I was talking to my bf about this and I forgot which one he said) within AN HOUR to kill someone. It's literally impossible, even for Snoop. He said someone else but I forgot who it was too.

I'm sorry I'm a mess.

But I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at.

Another main point I have is that, yes, it can become a problem. It's not addictive in the way other drugs are, but you can become dependent. That being said, you can't assume that everyone who smokes weed is a no good stoner who doesn't work and lives in his mom's basement playing Call of Duty all day.

I also wanna mention that a black man was sentenced to LIFE in prison for selling weed. Just selling it. Yet, white people who get caught with it are just troubled and need help. To be totally honest, this applies to all drugs. I'm not saying it's right to sell and use cocaine, heroin, or meth, I'm saying you can't call a black drug addict useless and not worthy of help and turn around and say a white addict is just struggling and deserves better.

I think I'm gonna end this here. I don't wanna type anymore. My hands hurt.

But for anyone who has never smoked and doesn't know what it's like, do some research before writing false information. The internet is a thing and honestly that's just sad that you assume all drugs are automatically bad because they're illegal.

News flash: medical marijuana is a thing and recreational marijuana has been legalized and decriminalized in some states.

Last thing: the man I mentioned is from Michigan and Michigan has since legalized weed, yet he remains in prison serving out a life sentence.

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