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"Huening Kai, why are you here? You're at the same level as Taehyun."

Kai placed down his books and looked over the brunette. "It's just some extra subject that my teacher wants me to attend to. Honestly, I don't know what they were up to. It such a pain in the neck." The younger sighs.

"You're really that smart huh? Well if thats the case, good for you." The older patted his back.

"This is why I hate attending college far from my hometown. But my mom says its for the best."

Huening Kai caught his breathe as Yeri passed by them in the library. "Yeonjun!" She walks towards the two boys. "Lunch date? As friends of course." She left a note scented with roses as she bid them goodbye. "Is she doing stuff like dates with you?" Kai asked. "She's been down lately. Friendly dates and listening to her might aid her broken heart. This could be an observation too." Yeonjun replied as he flicked some pages of his book, Kai nodded at his words. "She's a snake."

"Excuse me?" Yeonjun raise an eyebrow at the younger. "I-I have to go hyung. I thing I have to finish writing my song. See you around Junnie." Huening Kai arranged his stuff into his bag before sprinting towards the library's door. The older just stared at the door where Kai left. He sighed and continued to scan his book. 'What's wrong with that guy?' He thought.


The brunette rushed as his last subject ended in the morning. He found Yeri at the walkside of a restaurant, sitting. Yeonjun proceed to walk towarda the said young girl and place his bag at the empty chair and sat across Yeri. "Thanks for coming." Yeri smiled Yeonjun just nodded and smiled back. They started to order about some casual stuff. "You never answered my question, who rejected you?"

Yeri dropped her spoon at the sudden question and sighed. "You really wanna know?" The boy gulped and nodded, "You don't have to....I mean, I'm not like intruding your privacy.. I'm just asking as a friend of course."

"You don't have to-"


"Choi Soobin."


A/N: Another short update.

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