seventeen ✰

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Long story short, Midsummers is stressful.

"You okay, Marls?" My eyes flickered over to where Kie walked up beside me. We were both sipping on the random drinks we got from the bar. "Yeah, it's just a lot to take in." That's when Kie's eyes followed mine to where I was currently staring.

"Rafe ignoring you again?" My heart panged with hurt, I just nodded in response. Not even 24 hours past making up with the Cameron boy and here he was ignoring me. Why was he so back and forth? Like, he won't even look at me. He's literally ignoring my presence, and I know he knows I'm here.

Kie gripped my hand, "Why don't you go talk to him? I know you want to." I shook my head, "He'll either ignore me or embarrass me in front of them. It's not worth it." That's when I had enough, I left my drink on the table and stormed off. If Rafe Cameron was going to act like I wasn't there, then I'm going to act like he's not here.

I tapped the shoulder of some random Kook, he turned out quickly. His eyes scanned up and down my body, which only made me cringe. Why are Kooks so fucking disgusting? "How can I help you?" He smirked at me. "The name is Marley. Dance with me?" He nodded eagerly, probably just happy to have an excuse to feel me up or something. "Connor."

His arms snaked around my waist as he maneuvered us out to the dance floor. Connor's hands rested dangerously low on my back. In my subconscious, I could feel someone staring at me, but I chose to ignore it. I was dancing with a cute boy right now.

"You look beautiful tonight." Connor mumbled in my ear and I blushed hard. It's been a while since I've heard that. Compliments hit different when they come from a cute boy. I looked up and smiled at him, my arms lazily wrapped around his neck. "You don't look so bad yourself."

The longer we danced, the more I felt someone's eyes on me.

That was when I heard the sound of loud footsteps behind me. I swallowed harshly, preparing myself for what was to come. And sure enough, Connor was snatched away from me. He looked shocked, but when I saw Rafe standing in front of me I didn't know how to feel. "What was that?" He was fuming.

I gestured to Connor, whom Rafe had just basically tossed across the dance floor. Thanks to Rafe's outburst, almost all of the Midsummers attendees had their eyes focused on us. "I was dancing with a cute boy, sue me!" His voice got quiet as he stared at me intently, "Did last night mean nothing to you?"

Is he really doing this right now? "Of course it did, Rafe. But clearly it didn't mean anything to you since you've been ignoring me all night! Is your ego really that fragile that you care so fucking much about what your friends think that you can't be with me? Is the fact that i'm a Pogue really that repulsive?" I didn't care about the volume of my words. If every Kook heard about how Rafe Cameron fell for a 'dirty Pogue' then so be it. I'm not ashamed of him, so if he's ashamed of me then fuck him.

I watched as Rafe frantically looked around him. My eyes stayed focused on him, I knew people were staring but I couldn't care less. Then all of a sudden, the dirty blond let his attention fall back on me. "You know what, Marley... fuck my friends. Really, fuck the Kooks. You're what I want and if they can't accept that then fuck them. All I want is you." Tears stung my eyes. Did he really mean this? "Don't joke with me, Rafe."

He shook his head, closing the space between us. "I'm dead serious." Before I could respond, Rafe pressed his lips against mine. His hands cupped my cheeks, holding my close. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer down to me.

When we broke from the kiss and I couldn't help but smile up at the boy. If people weren't staring at us before, they sure were now. Why did he make me feel this way? "Wanna get out of here?" He mumbled, his eyes still locked on mine. I took my bottom lip between my teeth and nodded. "Let's blow this popsicle stand."

And that's what happened. Rafe Cameron took my hand in his and we ran from the island club, laughing the entire time and much to the protests of his friends. What could be better than this?



A/N: hi hi hi

here's the midsummers chapter that i've been itching to write FOR A WHILE! y'all i love this chapter so much, hope you do too.

can anybody guess who i am? hehe

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