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The walk from Tannyhill to the Chateau wasn't necessarily a long one, but it gave me time to think about Rafe's words. Was he right? Was JJ really going to throw away our entire friendship? Hell, I was so frustrated with the boy but knew I didn't want to lose him, but I also didn't want to lose Rafe. Would it come down to that?

I kept walking down the road, the houses starting to get smaller and raggedy. It was weird to me, that somehow I now had ties on both sides of an island when my whole life, I stayed to my side. That was normal for the Outer Banks, pogues, and kooks didn't mix but here I was infiltrating my way into both lives.

I turned the corner, down the street stood the chateau. I stopped myself for a minute, not really sure what I was going to say. Was JJ still angry? Of course, it's JJ. Would I be able to fix this? God, I hope so. I took a deep breath before I continued down the street and up the yard into the yard of the chateau.

I looked around at the place, which used to be my safe place. I wasn't sure if I could still call it that anymore. I wanted to but this was also JJ's safe place and he needed it more than I. I saw my target sitting in the hammock outside, the smell of marijuana wafting through the air in the yard. I moved closer to the hammock, the boy's eyes were shut closed in relaxation. I hated to interrupt but we needed to fix this.

"Hey, J," I said, standing next to the hammock. The blonde's eyes shot open quickly and looked towards where I was standing. His eyes turned to daggers once they registered who I was.

"What are you doing here, Marley," he said, I sunk back at the use of my name. With JJ, it had always been peaches, baby pogue, any nickname in the book, but never Marley. My full name felt weird as it slid off his lips.

"I came to talk, J. Please," I pleaded to the boy. He quickly stood up out of the hammock, his figure now a few feet in front of me.

"What do you wanna talk about Marley," he spit out.

"Wanna talk about the fact that you ditched us, you ditched me for the biggest fucking kook there is," he stepped closer to me.

"Wanna talk about the fact that I kissed you, told you I loved you, yet you still threw me in the trash like I was nothing," JJ kept moving towards me as I back away from him. I ran out of space to go as my back pressed against the chateau's walls. JJ and I stood toe to toe at this point as his glare set itself on me, burning me in fury.

"JJ, it's not like that," I tried to reason with the boy. I reached out to grab his arm but he fiercely pulled it out of my grasp.

"Don't fucking touch me, Marley," he told me.

"What you did, Marley," he ran his hands down his red face, I took the time to examine him. The veins in his arms and neck were more apparent due to his anger, his eyes no longer the familiar shade of blue but a dark almost black color. I didn't know this JJ in front of me.

"What I did, JJ," I said, shaking my head at the boy, "was nothing, I did nothing. I might be with someone you don't like but I am and always will be my own person and you can't change that." If the boy wasn't angry he was now, he punched the wall directly beside my head, nearly hitting me. I looked at him, shocked as he continued his outburst. 

"Marley shut the fuck up," he yelled, "I'm so sick of this whole act you're putting up-"

"No JJ, you can't tell me to be quiet when it involves my life, you can't silence me into submission into what you think is best for me." By now, JJ and I were screaming over each other our argument progressing with no stopping point. I'm sure John B's neighbors loved us at this point.

"Are you seriously that upset about me dating Rafe that you'll throw away our entire friendship," I finally asked the boy, my anger now radiating itself into hurt. Tears began to fall from my eyes but I didn't dare wipe them away.

"Oh my God, Marley," he shook his head at me, "you threw us away the minute you chose him over me," JJ stepped back away from me, gesturing his hand away from the chateau, "go, Marley," I looked at the boy one last time before I moved away from him, tears of hurt now freefalling down my face.

I took a deep breath as I walked away, only to hear words that would echo in my ears the whole walk away, "have fun fucking your kook, just don't come back crying when he's used you." I choked back a sob as I walked away from JJ and the chateau, not knowing when I'd be back, if ever.

I walked down the road, not really sure where I was going to go. I could go home but I didn't really want to be alone at the moment, so I called Rafe's phone. It went straight to voicemail as I continued to cry as I walked towards his house, hoping he'd be home. I was now on the edge of the cut and figure eight, the divider of my problems.

As I was walking along the road, I noticed a familiar truck in the distance, Topper's house. I know I shouldn't have but I walked down the driveway and around the back, hoping the boys would be outside, what I didn't expect was to hear words that could hurt me far worse than anything earlier that day.

"She's a dirty pogue man. She's always gonna choose them over you," I heard Topper say. I turned the corner, seeing Rafe bent over, lines of cocaine spread across the table. I couldn't stand to see the sight as I turned around and ran back towards the road.

I didn't know where I was gonna go or what to do but all I knew was the divider of my problems caved in and I don't know if I'd be able to fix it.




dead mom

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