poems and polyamory

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*unrelated but really cool song

It's sixth period English class, and we're writing poems. Ms. Barlow told us to write about something that's been mulling around in our heads and our hearts for a while- a chance to put words to any "buried or confusing feelings you may have. I encourage you to really think about your words, and mean what you write."

So here I am, rolling my eyes, because I know exactly what I want to say.

All without the strength to say it.

And because this poem will never reach the light of day, I figure it's safe enough to write:

If I spoke, my voice would shake tremors through the earth.

Knick knacks would drop from their shelves and shatter,

Walls would startle into motion

I picture this now, how buildings would fall around me

But a small voice from the corner of something neglected and old echoes the faintest idea, lethal and lovely all at once:

There are arms around my shoulders, hands on my hips, and fingers locked in mine.

Here I dream of rubble and chaos, a world collapsing in on itself

And of warmth through hands I can't quite touch

There's no fear or uncertainty

Only a small spark that pushes against my ribcage and says,

"Here, I feel content."

I have this book posted called 'mismatched' and I wrote this from the main characters perspective. I don't know if I'll add it into the book, but I thought it was neat! 

By the way! The main character is polyamorous, so the "There are arms around my shoulders, hands on my hips, and fingers locked in mine." refers to three separate people. I can imagine how confusing that'd be without knowing, ha. 


Jay :) 

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