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I walked out the backdoor of our castle to see Prince Yohan already sitting down at the table.

"Greetings Prince Yohan." I said and bowed.

He got off his seat and said "Greeting to you too Princess Y/N."

I smiled politely, and walked to my seat.

He pulled out the chair for me.

I thanked him as he walked back to his seat.

"So... How have you been these days Princess?" He asked.

"I've been fine, how about you?"

"I've also been fine Princess."

And at that moment the maids brought us our lunch.

We thanked them.

As time flew by, we heard rustling in the bushes.

"No need to worry Prince, sometimes a couple stray pets get in through our gate. Just throw them a couple pieces of meat and they'll gladly take their leave." I said.

He nodded his head, and threw a couple pieces of his steak.

{Time Skip}

Once we finished eating we chatted a bit more until I heard whimpering.

I ignored it first, but then when it got louder I called one of the guards to check.

He suddenly started yelling.

"What are you doing in the bushes here young man?!!" The guard exclaimed.

The other guards lifted up the figure behind the bushes.

I was shocked.

"Come on, we are taking you with us for your punishment! Since you snuck into the Busan Castle!" The guard said furiously.

The young man in the guards hold shook his head.

I slowly approached the guards.

But before I could someone held my grip.

"Princess you must not go there, the man may be dangerous." Prince Yohan exclaimed.

I shook my head and head towards the guards.

I looked at the boy with sad eyes.

"Let him go." I said.

"Yes Princess." The guards said.

They dropped him on the floor.

I walked near him and that's when I realized he had cat ears.

And then it hit me.

"You're a hybrid aren't you?" I asked the man softly, as I crouched down in front of him.

He nodded his head.

I helped hip get up and told the maids to get him cleaned up, since he was very dirty.

But before he could go with the maids he started whimpering.

I looked at his direction and went to him.

"Why are you whimpering?" I asked whispering.

He just shook his head and pointed at me.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

I carefully put my arms around him and walked towards the castle.

"You're not even going to say goodbye to me?" Prince Yohan yelled.

I continued walking and yelled "Bye."

Hey author-nim here~!
Jimin finally made an appearance!

qotd : Who is your bias in BTS?

Mine is Park Jimin 😳

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