Chapter 1

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The horse made it's way, after what seemed to be a few houres' travel from the departure, to it's destination.

''We here ! The Town of Borin' Springs ! Ain't much to do inere, but I hope ya'll find watcha want'ere.''

''Thank you again for the trip to here ! I appreciate the gesture,'' she smiled sweetly at Robert as she picked her pack.

''Haha, it's no problem at all ! Hopin' I'll get to see ya some time soon !''

''Why aren't you staying with me ?''

''I got a whole business goin' on. Farm must keep workin' y'know. Anyway, goo'luck, Cory. T'was nice hangin' around with ya.''

''Same here, Bob ! See you !''

They waved each other off as Robert now went away with his chart. Coraline checked the horizons. In front of her were two rows of buildings facing each other. On her left, the very first building she noticed showed a pannel with written on it 'Saloon'. Sounds like a good place to first go to, she thought as she approached the doors to it. She gently pushed them and could now witness the sight of a saloon full of people just drinking and chatting. The moment she'd do her first step ahead, everyone, including the bartender, turned their heads to her, eyeing her threartingly. Coraline glanced alternatively at all of them, a sweat breaking on her temple. She then heard some whispers, someone called her. She looked at the direction where she heard the whispers, and saw they were coming from an aged man with a black hat on his head to cover his bald head, a pair of glassy eyes, as well as a long, smooth and white beard that almost hid everything of what he wore (but she could still see his clothes). The man waved at her, staring at her with his crazy eyes, saying :

"Hey ! Where's yer hat, dagnabbit ?"

"Well I..." Coraline stuttered.

"Y'can't drink in here without a hat ! T'ain't proper !"

He points at something next to the doors. Coraline looked. There was a cardboard box with written "Take-a-hat, Leave-a-hat" on it in black paint. She went looking inside it. There was remainning a single hat : a brown Stetson with a yellow strip around it. She took it in hands and placed it on her head. The hat was fitting her just fine. Everyone else now turned back to their beverages or their conversation. Coraline sighed of relief. That was a close call !
She approached the man that just saved her life. He was grinning widely at her.

"Thanks, er..."

"Pete !" the man greeted warmly.

"Thanks, Pete. And I'm Coraline Barcheor-Tretchy -- but it's best you keep the 'Coraline' bit in mind."

"Aight, Cory !"

"Oh, sure. Anyway. If it wasn't for you, I think I'd get killed on the strike. Thank you for saving me there !" Pete gave her a friendly (if somewhat twitchy) nod, before asking her :

"Say, gal... you headin' west ? If'n ya want some company, I'd be more'n happy to come along -- jes' lemme know !"

"Well, er..."

"No pressure !"

"I was just thinking about staying here for a while. Y'know... I'm new here, and I still don't know where to stay."

"Ah, that's a bunch of snakes," Pete tapped his chin thoughtfully. "This place here's definetly quiet. Not a lad nor a tad of action. We just be drinkin' and lazyin'. Besides, ask the bartender for some stuff ? Lad might help ya outta'ere."

"Right, thank you again," she greeted him off, now moving further to the right of the counter.

There stood the barmaid, wearnig a grand black top hat, that was wipping on a mug. While Coraline waited for her to notice her presance, she looked at a sign taped to the back wall reading ''Reward for lost mugs, 25 Meat each''. The bartender then turned her head to her then tipped her hat.

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