Chapter 5

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The two fellows have galloped for a while now, and still any results of their researches. This was added to the difficulty that the sun was blazing hot on top of their heads. Coraline, despite her cramps due to the heath, checked the map a last time.

''Dagnabbit !'' she exclaimed. ''We'll never be able to find this place with explanation alone !''

''Or maybe did we skip it ?''

''Could be that as well...'' Nicholas trotted some more. She then turned her head up, and noticed a building drawing itself in the distance. ''... or maybe we could ask there ! If there are any people, of course-'' she made Nicholas stopped to an halt, now looking at the sign next to the shelter. ''SHOP... hey ! This could definitely look like that store the nice man mentioned back at the station !! Maybe we're saved, Pete !'' both rejoiced loudly. ''Now, I'm gonna do some shopping ! Need anything ? Trail mix ?''

''Nope ! Ol' Pete's fine an' dandy !''

''Okay. See you, then !''

She waved to him before she entered the store. She saw at first many shelves with labeled goods, tidily placed. Then, she turned her head to see the lady behind the counter : one with a hat on her head and a bowtie on her neck. Her top clothing – for as high as Coraline could see – was based on a white shirt to which she added a sleeveless navy blue jacket. The lady was polishing her nails by the time she entered the store. Then, her eyes turned to her directions. Coraline gulped. But then, she addressed her a broad grin, displaying her the variant goods she had for sale. But that didn't seem to be her objective. Instead, she saw her moving to the counter she was to.

''Howdy, traveler,'' she greeted. ''Anything I can serve you with ?''

''I-Is this... Buttonwillow's store ?''

''Exactly. I'm Michelle Buttonwillow. The one and only owner of this very shop. Whaddya need me for ?''

''Thank goodness ! Okay, here is the deal : my pardner and I are in search of dynamite, and we need for that to go to a place called Gustavson Gulch. Ever heard of it ?''

''Well, nah. Never heard of such a place,'' Coraline whined. ''And I don't sell dynamite either... but ! I know a good place that could sell you some,'' Michelle opened her own map and traced a path, Coraline marking it on her own map. ''Name of Dynamite Dan's. Here, you will find the guy and I think he can find the thing you want.''

''Wow, thank you so much !!'' she rejoiced while Michelle regarded her up and down.

''I see you're weaponless. That's not good. Mostly not since the Cows Came Home. They're dangerous, along other monsters too.''

''Well... don't you have any weapons in store ?''

''Actually, I have something better !'' Michelle snapped her fingers and searched just underneath her, until she sorted out a gun on the counter. But not any kind of gun : one on which stood at the end of the it... a punching glove ?! ''I call that the punching gun ! To use it, aim it to your foe and pull the trigger. The glove will stretch itself with a system of springs. To return the glove at launching position, you simply have to roll the roulette over, as if you were loading an actual gun.''

''Wow, that seems so impressive !'' she exclaimed before taking it in hands. ''How much for this gun ?''

''Actually, I offer it to you.''

''O-Oh, but, Miss...''

''Call me Michelle.''

''Miss Michelle. You have a life to win ! I can't leave you unpaid like this !''

[REWRITTEN] Wanted for Protagonizin' [a West of Loathing fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now