Chapter 7

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It has been an entire week now since Coraline and Pete were in seek of money. As they drove further south, they saw huts standing on their right. Both looked at each other before they decided to make a halt here, in a hope that they would find something. They went and once they climbed down their steeds, they examined the surroundings. At first, it seemed like there used to be a ranch before, but... only shards of burnt wood as well as hay stacks were remaining on the wrecked-up site. Coraline could even find a needle in the remains, as well as other items ! As Pete suggested to take back the track, the lady only stepped further east. She approached the huts, and soon she also saw people around the – they were dressed up pretty crazily, with vivid colors. They had messy – and probably oily – hair and the huts previously mentioned were all made of rugs. Despite her hesitation, Coraline approached the woman that was just in front of her, who greeted her with a wide grin.

''Hey, like, howdy,'' she started. ''I'm selling herbal remedies. Care to buy ?''

''What... kind of herbal remedies ?'' Coraline asked doubtfully.

''The kind that are gifted to us by Gaia without any interference by human hands,'' the other lady explained.

''So like... weeds ?''

''That's a derogatory term created by the Man, but, yeah. Basically.''

''Oh, I'm sorry, but I'll have to say that I'll pass for today.''

''It's okay ! You can come back any time you want,'' she waved her off before Coraline approached the man with locks everywhere and a long, stripped hat. She greeted him.

''Hey, yeah ! Howdy man. What's happening ?'' he asked her.

''Yeah, that's what I was wondering...''

''Oh, not much man, we moved onto this little patch of land to grow crops, but then we decided it was more natural to let Gaia grow whatever she wants, right ?''

''I bet that's a lot easier, too,'' she chuckled.

''Haha, right on, man,'' he waved behind him. ''Why don't you look at her creations ? Our one and only joy !''

''Yes... I will, take a closer look,'' she waved him off before proceeding.

She stepped further from the huts. There was a panel here with written on it ''Garden''. Then, she noticed, on her left, a young, puny girl, dressed in exactly the same rugs as the other two people. She had long, blond yet messed up hair. Her dirty face was making her hazel eyes barely visible, but what trait that you could easily recognize on her was that she didn't seem to smile, at all. That alarmed Coraline, for she was the only one here that didn't smile. She approached her.

''Howdy. I'm Coraline,'' she greeted her.

''I'm Louise. Louise Lathrop,'' the girl answered her.

''Why the long face, Louise ?''

''Aw jeez ,'' she turned around before closing herself to Coraline, that now kneeled down to her. ''Basically I'm stuck here 'farming' with a couple of dummies who don't know how to farm a dang thing, so they just let the weeds grow and call it 'natural'. I... I'm so sick of eating dandelions, I could scream !''

''And why don't you leave ?''

''I haven't got any Meat, or any other prospects, or anywhere to go. I mean, dandelions are terrible, but they're better than eating dirt ! This is such a mess !'' she started to sob, then went sweeping her face with her arm.

''But, tell me... how did you get in this predicament ?'' she asked Louise.

''I headed west after graduating baking school, and I fell in love with these guys, because they talked a big game about natural grains... and,'' she felt tears growing again, ''fool that I was, I didn't realize all they were really interested in was getting silly on loco weed and not doing any work.''

[REWRITTEN] Wanted for Protagonizin' [a West of Loathing fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now