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"Oh!", he gasps. "You have me a nickname?! How sweet! Well, I prefer something more 'angel of death'-y but I guess Black Hawk'll do"

"YOU KIDNAPPED MY SISTER?!", I roar, standing up but immediately kneeling down due to the pain in my leg.

"Aww, don't bother Ams", he hums, walking towards me and kneeling too. He grabs my face and glares. "It's not like you can do much anyway"

I stare into his eyes in disbelief, not knowing what to do.

"...why..", I sigh, looking down.


"Why you?..why..would you do this?...weren't we friends?!"

Gihen then laughs. In genuine, hysterical laughter. My eyebrows furrow as I glance back at my concerned sister, who's standing there with her hands held close with concerned wide eyes.

Guess she's been taught to be afraid of the barrier.

But I can't believe this..didn't he die?!

"Friends?! Seriously?! Oh man, I thought I was waaaay more convincing than that!"

"What do you mean?"

He then stands up and chuckles, "didn't you like...sorry, LOVE me, Amae?"

I can feel my face flush as I frown and look down in both embarrassment and shock. "I..d-didn't"

"Oh? Say it again?"


He kneels back down to meet my eyes but I completely avoid eye contact and look away from him.

"I know how you acted when I died back there. I thought my acting was pretty convincing but you almost made me falter when you cried that hard. I didn't think you had it in you to care that much about anything like that, honestly~"

How can he say that?!

He then raises his hand as I clench my fist, ready to block him, but instead he caresses my face gently, like he's petting a baby animal.

My heart begins to go wild as I resist the urge to push him off, because if I wanted, I could easily kill him right here.

So...why can't I? What kind of hellish feeling is this?!

"You're a really bad liar. Do you know that?"

Nervously, I stare down and close my eyes. As I keep my eyes closed, I hear a sigh, then shuffling before clanks on metal that lead away from me.

Like footsteps.

I open my eyes and look up to find Gihen walking away from me. He then stops a few meters away and turns on his heel as his hands rest inside his pockets.

"I'm gonna be honest here, I did like you too, Ams", he announces, his voice somewhat gentle.

Fuck that voice.

"But what does it fucking matter now, huh?", I ask, glaring at him. "You kidnapped my sister and I made it my mission to retrieve her. With you being...THIS, I can't let you live. Regardless of how much I have liked you before...this cruel world just happened to mess around with my head again. No, this time...I'm fighting back"

I tilt my katana a little and try to hold it in a good stance.

"Oh?", he hums, smirking a bit. "Well, I guess should've expected this from an assassin like you. Fine. If you really want your sister"

Spare me the cliches-

"You'll have to get through me!", he roars, pulling out a stick from his belt.

God dammit.

Spinning the stick in his hand and around his body, the dents within it glow a bright blue before a huge broadsword materialises from the handle. It glows a bright blue before transforming into a surprisingly beautiful metallic blade, which he then points at me.

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you~", he coos, sadistically.

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!", I yell, pulling out a healing injection and jamming it into my thigh. The wound closes as I grab my katana and run towards him, spinning and greeting him with a slash from above.

He then blocks my hit with his sword and says, "Up above, eh? You changed your strategies"

"Shut up!"

Both of us then roar before attacking each other with a barrage of slashes and throws. I can't block him off much since he's way faster than he made himself out to be, but I'm no lesser than him.

After all, even if he lied to me, I could still suspect he was hiding his true self back then.


Suddenly, I'm brought back to reality as I detect an opening. The clashes get slower as I notice a cut on his inner arm.


Seizing the opportunity, I dodge his next strike as his broadsword gets stuck to the ground. Jumping up, I force my foot down on his wrist and press my blade against his freshly opened wound.

"Love doesn't matter when it comes to justice", I mutter. "You'd said it yourself the day you- quote, unquote- 'died,' didn't you?"

I quickly press my blade down with my foot and then slash away, hacking his arm off with one swoop.

Blood gushes out as his eyes widen and he falls to his side, trying to stop the bleeding. His groans and cries echo within the room as he tries to pull himself together.

I then turn back to run to the computer before being met by a cut to the back of my knee. It forces me down, face first as I bang my head on the metal. Blood seeps out as I try to crawl back to the computer anyway, using my other leg to help myself out.

Annoyed that I can't get there without leaving back a trail of blood, I reach out to my sister who yells, "ANEUE! TH-----W----TH------K----ANA----!"


She then steps back before doing a motion of chucking something at the computer.

Throw what? 

I cock my head in confusion as she then pretends to slash something with an air sword.

The katana?

I look at the blade in my hand.

...oh wow I'm stupid.

Nodding, I stand back up and quickly bounce forward before throwing the katana at the computer's button.

I fall back down, blocking my fall with my arms as the screen lights up green and the barrier disintegrates. I smile wide, as does my sister, who then leaps out and runs towards me.

Killers In A Cruel WorldWhere stories live. Discover now