[1] Meeting For The First Time

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[Five Years Old]

I looked around at the sandy area, as I held onto my mother's hand. It's so hot here. This is so different than our village, I looked up at my mom, she looked nervous. I have never seen her look so nervous.

I looked at my dad, who was walking in front of us. He looks so serious.

I pouted and look at mom. "Are we almost there?" I asked her.

She puts on a smile and looks at me. "Yes, we are, see." She points in front of us, and there is the entrance of the Village Hidden In The Sand, Sunagakure.

"Wow," I muttered with a smile.

She nods as we soon arrived at the entrance of Sunagakure. There, at the entrance stood a man with light red hair, and behind him was a boy, who looked my age with red hair.

"Fourth Kazekage." My parents said, stopping in their tracks and bowing in front of the man. I watched my parents, bow, but my eyes kept looking back at the red-haired boy.

"Mister and Misses Yuki." 'Fourth Kazekage' said. "Glad we are finally able to finally do this." He added.

My dad nodded, "yes, we are too. This is our daughter, (Y/N)." My dad said gesturing fo me to stand beside him.

I awkwardly shuffled up next to my father and looked up at the man.

The man looks down at me, it looked like he was like, inspecting me. He then turns and looks at his son, "this is my youngest son, Gaara." He said.

I looked at Gaara and smiled at him.

He jumps and looks away, with red cheeks.

"Well, shall we start with business? And, let these two get acquainted?" My dad asked.

The Fourth Kazekage nodded. "Yes, Gaara, take (Y/N) to the playground."

Gaara nods and looks at me before he turns around and starts to walk. My dad pats my back and smiles at me, encouragingly. I nodded and followed Gaara.

Gaara leads me to a small playground.

It was empty and looked lonely.

It had swings and a sandbox.

He walked over to the swing and sits down.

I looked at him as he just sat there. He looked so lonely.

"...Do you want me to push you?" I asked him.

He looks at me. "...Why would you push me?" He asked.

I smiled and did a push motion with my hands. "If I push you, you'll go higher and higher!" I said.

"...Does that mean you have to touch me?"

"Uh... Only your back."

"Then, no." He muttered and looked away.

"Okay, is it okay if I sit next to you?" I asked him.

He nods.

I went over to the other swing and sit down, I pushed my legs to swing slightly.

"This place is so lonely. Doesn't anyone come here?" I asked.

He shakes his head. "Because I come here." He said.

"Because... Of you? Why?"

"...Everyone hates me because I'm a monster."

I looked at him, he looked so sad.

I smiled at him. "I don't think you're a monster," I told him.

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