day three

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Louis woke up to the sound of quiet muffled burping, immediately recalling the events that had taken place the night before.

Knowing he spent the night in an alpha's room made his heart race a bit. His roommate would surely have it out for him, for not letting him know where he was. But for some reason Louis knew he was safe with this alpha, and he woke up with that same feeling.

He opened his eyes momentarily, seeing the morning light beginning to illuminate the familiar maroon walls from last night.

The beautiful, intoxicating smell of alpha around him nearly put him back to sleep. He laid in Harry's bed, on Harry's pillow, carefully covered up with blankets and tucked in nicely. But from what Louis was hearing, he immediately closed his eyes again.

Harry was eating. And if he was going to eat as much as he pleased, Louis wasn't about to wake up and stop him. Who knows if he'd get shy and not eat as much as he wanted.

So Louis pretended to sleep, whilst hearing Harry absolutely inhale what seemed long enough to be an entire meal, chugging what sounded like his leftover 2 liters of pop in between.

An enormous string of small burps were uncontrollably falling from his mouth, and Harry was clearly trying to quiet them down.

He heard the alpha huffing, struggling to breathe, before he slowly got up and left the room all together. Louis waited until the bedroom door gently shut before opening his eyes again, seeing he was indeed alone.

So he sat up, looking down at the floor at the foot of the bed and seeing every single pizza box he brought here last night was empty, and attempted to be hidden behind the bed. The empty box of wings sat with his other empty containers in the corner. Plus the man had chugged both 2 liters of Dr Pepper, no wonder he was burping so fucking much. No wonder he could barely breathe. He probably woke up still full.

Louis didn't know if it was just morning wood, or if imagining Harry that stuffed full was making him as hard as a rock. Just listening to him eat was enough to make him hornier than shit.

How did he consume that much? Maybe he couldn't help it. Maybe he couldn't control himself? He was probably used to pushing his limits like this. He did this to himself on purpose, and he was enjoying it. He was such a pig. Louis was so close to jacking off right then and there because of how uncomfortably hard and wet he was. Because of how hot this alpha was.

But nothing prepared him for when Harry walked back in, his gut absolutely stuffed to the brim and on display. He definitely looked like he was still full and bloated from last night, and even more stuffed now than he was before.

Louis' mouth went dry at the sight of him.

The man's unbuttoned shirt hung open on either side of his poor stuffed belly. And he held a cereal bowl, currently shoving spoonfuls of cereal in his mouth.

How? How could he eat more after that huge stuffing last night? What the fuck? Was this man a bottomless pit?

He'd left his room with an unbuttoned shirt on too, clearly not minding anyone in his pack seeing his fattened figure. Actually he seemed rather proud of it.

"Oh hey," Harry mumbled, noticing the boy was laying there awake and smiling softly, "Morning, Louis." He struggled to sit down next to him on the bed, before shamelessly finishing off the huge bowl of cereal he had poured himself.

"How'd you sleep? Want me to get you some cereal?" he asked, his green eyes scanning over the omega's sleepy face with a fond smile. Louis just tiredly nodded, making Harry chuckle and go to stand up.

His shirt barely covered his love handles and chubby hips when he struggled to stand up, placing a hand on the swell of his belly as he grunted and making Louis actually fucking drool.

"Cereal is on the way," Harry said, before leaving the room again. Truthfully Louis hoped he'd pour himself another bowl while he was down there. Or hopefully something a little more filling.

For some reason he just wanted to see the alpha eat. It was beautiful watching him stuff himself silly, clearly to the point of pure bliss. The alpha just seemed happy to be eating, to have a full belly, and a mouthful of yummy food.

And that tummy on him? To Louis, there was nothing hotter in the entire world than that alpha's belly. He was unbelievably sexy. Plus, he was clearly wayyy too stuffed to move, yet he walked around anyways with little grunts from his gluttony getting in his way and causing him discomfort. Louis almost forgot to breathe when he realized, Harry probably enjoyed that reminder; every physical struggle he faced reminding him just how greedy he was being, and how fucking thoroughly he had stuffed himself to the brim.

Louis nearly came thinking...Harry probably always woke up full. He stuffed himself so much every night, well past midnight. He probably woke up still stuffed full. Maybe that was his goal.

There was no slowing down for him at this point. The alpha was just going to get bigger.

With that appetite the alpha would blow up like a fucking balloon, and Louis nearly lost his shit imagining him even heavier. How cute and adorable that would be. How hot.

Louis drifted back asleep daydreaming about the man's body, and was woken up by the alpha gently rubbing his shoulder and sitting on the bedside where he laid.

"Wake-y wake-y. I've got you a bowl of cheerios," Harry spoke softly, brushing the boy's fringe gently out of his eyes and making him jump awake.

"Shit," Louis swore, sitting up immediately and catching his breath whilst giggling after being startled.

"Fuck I'm sorry," Harry said, beginning to laugh with the boy, "How did you sleep, darling?"

Louis just looked at him, seeing the alpha holding a bowl cereal for him and asking how he slept.

Now, this man was alpha material. Boyfriend material even.

"Thank you. Like a rock, how did you get out from under me?" Louis giggled, accepting the bowl of cereal from him happily.

When he noticed the second cereal bowl in Harry's lap, filled to the brim, he couldn't have been happier. He had gotten himself more. There was also a half eaten banana rested on top of it.

"You're so little, I just sat up with you in my lap and then laid you back down," Harry explained to the omega, as Louis watched him happily finish his banana, "You didn't stir one bit, you were totally passed out."

"Oh, well you were very comfy," Louis giggled, before catching a glimpse of Harry's lower belly, seeing a few faint stretch marks where his paunch rested in his lap.

"I try," Harry shrugged with a chuckle, before attempting to button his shirt. It came nowhere close to buttoning though, so he attempted to suck it in with a grunt. His round belly barely moved off his lap, the thick, heavy fat only weakly quivered a little. So the man just sighed with defeat, letting his belly out, before sitting back lazily and starting on his second huge bowl of cereal happily. He didn't seem to really care that his shirt didn't fit.

"Getting a little chunky there, alpha," Louis commented softly, getting butterflies in his tummy when the man paused and actually fucking blushed profusely while trying to hide his smile.

"Yeah, don't really have much self control anymore," Harry shrugged it off as he proceeded to shove huge spoonfuls of cereal in his mouth, unable to get enough. Some milk even spilled off the spoon, dripping down his face and chin as he shoved more in his mouth. Completely oblivious.

He didn't even care that he could barely breathe already from how stuffed full his stomach was. He didn't care that he woke up with his stomach still stuffed full of food. He didn't care that he could barely suck that gut in, or hide how gluttonous and fat he had become. He didn't care if anyone else knew what a greedy pig he was for food, or how big his appetite truly was either.

The alpha just kept eating, because it felt good, and he wanted to, and his belly kept creeping confidently further out of that unbuttoned shirt.

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