|1| - I'm Back Bitches

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Kenzie's POV

It is so dark. So freakin dark.

Where am I? You're probably wondering. Well, let me tell you.

I am hiding. Hiding in my boss' office. Under a desk. Why?

I'm due to make my return next week after being out for a year with my messy shoulder. However, I've decided to show up a little early... Surprise! I'm currently at Raw!

You're also probably wondering who I am. I'm Mackenzie Cena. Recognise my last name huh? Yep, my big brother is the one and only John Cena! We're both wrestlers at the WWE and despite the rather large age difference between us, we're really close.

But anyway when Steph and Hunter come back in here I'm going to scare the shit out of them! Ha! They're pretty cool bosses, definitely not like the dudes they play on TV.

"Yeah, Steph I know. Yes I'll tell him. Tell the girls I said goodnight." I heard Hunter's voice say outside the room.

Damn it, Steph's not here. Oh well, spooking Hunter will need to do.

I heard him sigh and sit down on one of the comfortable chairs on the other side of the desk.

I quietly crawled out from under the desk and jumped up on top of it.

"Boo!" I screamed.

"AGH!!" Hunter yelled, tossing his phone at me while flying off his chair and landing on his butt on the floor. After catching his phone, I fell to the floor as well. Tears escaped my eyes as the laughter took over me.

"Oh my god, your face." I laughed.

"Kenzie, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked, standing up and making his way over to me. "You're not supposed to return for another week."

"I know but I wanted to come along and surprise a few people... yourself included." I smiled, accepting his outstretched hand to help me up.

"It's good to see you kiddo." He wrapped me in a tight fatherly hug. Something I was so grateful for, was the many parental figures I had in WWE.

Growing up my parents weren't the most supportive of John's career choice to be a wrestler. They wanted him to be a doctor or a lawyer... yeno go to university the whole shebang. So you can imagine how pleased they were when 7 year old me told them I wanted to be a wrestler too.


Anyways John left home to wrestle and made his debut at 24, when I was only 9. This left me to deal with the wrath of our angry parents. So, naturally when John found out about the abuse our parents gave me, he whisked me away on the road with him... for the rest of my life, HA! And I haven't seen my parents since.

"KENZIE!" Hunter shouting on me snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Are you okay? You sure you feel ready to come back?"

"I'm fine!" I laughed. "Anywayyyy, I gotta go scare more people, see ya old man!"

"Old?" Hunter asked, placing a hand on his heart while making a pouted face.

"Dude, you gain a new forehead wrinkle every time I see you." I chuckled. "You know I love you though. Ciao!" I waved.

"I love you too kiddo." I heard him mutter as I left.

Turning a corner I walked straight into a wall.

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