|3| - Quiet Voices

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Kenzie's POV

Waking up in a hotel room to people shouting was not what I had planned for today but I guess I'll roll with it.

Ouch, my head.

Memories of last night came flooding back to as I sat up. Drinking shots with Nikki, Brie and Natalya.


The stranger at the club who tried to take me home with him.

Yikes again.

Being saved by Dean Ambrose who took me outsi-

Wait! Ambrose?! From The Shield...

I stood up from the bed realising I was still wearing last nights clothes minus the shoes thank god. Man I'd hate to stumble across a mirror right now... of course there's a bathroom attached to this bedroom... OF COURSE!

Sweet baby Jesus. I thought as I looked at my reflection. Washing my makeup off and throwing my hair in a bun, I exited the bathroom, noticing a large gash on my knee.

This is why you shouldn't drink Kenzie.

"If this is some sort of sick twisted way for you all to try get to me..." I heard someone shout. That was when I realised this arguing was still going on.

Then it occurred to me that I didn't remember what happened after Ambrose helped me, who's room am I in?

Peeking my head round the bedroom door of the hotel room I saw my brother with the three Shield members, they all seemed to be arguing.

"I already told you what happened!" Dean sneered at John.

"And I've already told you, I don't believe a word that comes out your damn mouth." John snapped back.

Damn he's angry.

"Will you two shut your mouths, you're going to wake her." Roman said and Seth nodded in agreement.

"I'm not leaving without my sister. If you've hurt her Ambrose.."

"None of us would lay a finger on her, what do you take us for?!" Seth exclaimed, clearly offended.

"Shhh! Quiet voices!" I whisper shouted, as I walked out. They all turned to look at me.

"Mack!" John exclaimed, quickly approaching me and pulling me into a tight hug. "You scared us! Did he touch you?"

"John what the hell!" I exclaimed, completely embarrassed. Dean's eyes widened in anger at the question.

"You don't know what he's like, you have a bruise on your arm and that gash on your leg!" John retorted.

Oh here we go.

"He helped me!" I shouted back at him. "He saved my drunk ass from some creep who was trying to take me home after I lost the girls!"

"Haven't either of you heard of a cell phone?" He asked us, trying to mask his guilt for being so rude to The Shield.

"I thought you were already gone! On your fancy bus!"

The Shield boys were watching us like people watch a tennis match, heads going left to right.

"No I stayed here for the nigh, look I'm sorry and I'm sorry to you guys too, I know you're probably not half as bad as you are in the ring." John said to me before turning to the guys.

"It's alright, we get it." Roman said with a small smile on his face.

"Nicole's in room 429." John smiled before exiting the room.

"Well that was fun." I grinned sheepishly.

Please don't triple power bomb me, please don't triple power bomb me, please don't triple power bomb me!!!

"Relax shorty, I've got three sisters, I think I'd act the same if I found out some lunatic took one of them to his room." He pointed his thumb to Dean.

"Hey!" He exclaimed while Seth and I laughed.

"I should probably get out your hair, I'm sure you have things to do." I mumbled. "Hey thank you, for you know... last night.. and letting me sleep here, I owe you, all of you!" I quickly stuttered suddenly embarrassed.

"You're lucky you're a funny drunk and not an annoying one." Dean joked.

"I know we play bad people, but we're not bad behind the camera, we stick to ourselves cause we knew we'd get so much heat." Seth said while Roman nodded in agreement.

"I know you guys aren't bad people." I smiled, clearly forgetting these are the dudes who brutally beat up my brother and a lot of my friends.

"But I really should go, Nikki's probably freaking out." I gave a light laugh. "Thanks again guys, I'll see you soon!"

I smiled at them all before grabbing my bag and leaving the room and heading to Nikki's.

"MACKENZIE!" I was immediately pulled into a hug and dragged into the room once my knuckles touched the door to knock.

Eugh, full name.

I felt two other pairs of arms wrap around me.

"We thought you had been kidnapped by some creep." Nattie says once we all pull apart.

"I almost was thanks to you guys disappearing off the face of the earth!" I exclaimed dramatically.

"They lost me too!" Brie agreed.

Nikki and Nattie gave Brie and I a look and we all burst out laughing.

"So where did you end up?" Nattie asked, confused.

"Oh, someone brought me back here." I vaguely replied while opening my case and looking for more comfortable clothes.

Please don't ask who, please don't ask who

"Who?" Nikki, Brie and Nattie said together.


"Uhh... Dean Ambrose..." I mumbled.

"Who?" Nicole asked, clearly not hearing.

"Dean Ambrose..." I said a little louder, looking up to see the girls' reactions.

"Kenzie no!" Brie exclaimed. "He's bad news."

"He helped me okay?? He didn't do anything weird or act like the Dean Ambrose we see on the screens, he was... different." I smiled remembering how gentle he was. How blue his eyes were and his smile. A real smile, not a lunatic smile.

Shit, I'm falling for Dean Ambrose!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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