|2| - Tequilla Time... Ambrose?

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Kenzie's POV

"KENZIE!" I heard multiple screams as I walked backstage and I was soon engulfed in a huge group hug.

"You came back early!" Nikki Bella smiled at me. Her and Brie are my best friends in this place, I'm actually the one who set her and John up and they're still together!

I know, I know, call me Cupid.

"Yeah, being alone was driving me mad! Plus you know what it's like being away from this place." I said to Nikki, Brie and Natalya who had all come to greet me at the curtain.

"I'm so happy you're back!" Nikki exclaimed, pulling me into another bone crushing hug.

"Easy Nicole, she's not cleared till next week, try not break her." A very familiar voice said and I turned around.

"I heard you were back stranger." I grinned at Shane McMahon as he pulled me into a tight embrace, picking me up and spinning me round.

"You going to keep following me around?" He winked once he put me back on the ground. I could feel the heat rise to my checks.

Shane and I have always been really close. When John took me on the road with him I always used to follow Shane around backstage. I guess 9 year old me had a little crush.


"Shut up!" I laughed and lightly smacked his arm.

"You better be coming out with us tonight Mack!" Natalya said.

"Yeah, we gotta celebrate your big return girl." Brie smiled at me.

"Of course, but I haven't got a hotel room so I'm bunking in with one of you guys."

The girls all laughed at me and Shane shook his head in amusement when John appeared back from his interview with Renee.

"What's so funny?" He questioned.

"Just Kenzie being Kenzie." Nicole smiled wrapping her arms around John.

"Oh ha ha." I sarcastically laughed.

Third Person POV

"BRIE MODEEEE!" Kenzie, Nattie and The Bella's shouted as they each drank a shot of tequila.

"I need water." Nattie choked causing Kenzie to giggle at her.

"So what's with the new boys... The Shield?" Kenzie questioned her friends.

"The most dominant force in the WWE." Nikki quoted them. "I dunno, they stick to themselves... but they are hot!"

"Nicole!" Brie and Nattie scolded.

"Looking but not touching!" She winked. Nikki's theme song immediately entered Kenzie's head and she couldn't help but laugh.

The four women were at a club after tonight's show and Kenzie and Brie were already rather drunk.

"Oh my god Kenzieeee, it's our song!" Brie squealed grabbing Kenzie and dragging her to the dance floor.

"Ohhh I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody!" The girls drunkenly sang as Nikki and Nattie watched on amused.

"With somebody who lovesss mee!" Kenzie sang while flinging her arms around Brie.

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the ladies room, wanna get us more drinks?" Brie asked her friend.

"For sure!" Kenzie grinned as she stumbled her way to the bar. Nikki and Nattie had found a booth but it wasn't in eye view of their friends.

"Hey baby."

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