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~Chapter 1__ D-day school starts~


"Wake up Tola" I hear my sister Victoria shout at me but instead I ignore her and continue sleeping , "Mother is coming o" as soon as I heard that I bolted off my sheets and started doing the necessities but I'm a bit slow since I didn't sleep well.

I didn't sleep well because I was up late watching my favourite shows on the TV,  I normally sleep by 10pm but I got too enthusiastic, since I was starting a new school today it was really nerve wrecking so I had to distract myself for a while but that lead me to sleeping by 1am and waking up by 5:30am, which left me to only te four hours and 30 minutes to sleep.

                                                                     .Sad isn't it.

But either way I was still excited, for starting in another school and you don't wanna know why I left my formal school but let's just say it has to do with my over reactive mother oh well that's another story for another day.

I quickly put on my school uniform, which was a bit complicated but I'm used to it now and the uniform consists of a White shirt, a blue tie and a navy blue blazer or a dark blue sweater to conclude I hate it and in fact every one of us wish that we wore mofti instead but that only happens during our Saturday lessons.

Now back to the original plot.

I got my uniform earlier than expected, and it was really nerve wrecking that I was going to a new school.

Starting again.

Making new friends.

Making new enemies.

Making new memories.

And all those different types of sh*t which I hated so much, and I hated the way we were nearing the school and the feeling it gave me. I felt like I was constipated but it soon subsided when my mom forced me out of  the car.

"Good morning sir" I greeted the gate keeper, walking around aimlessly welp where the heck am I supposed to be I was freaking out and I didn't know where to go until one man came to me and told me his name and told a student to take me to my class.

To tell you what that student suddenly disappeared as soon as we reached the stair cas but thank God that the head of the junior school saw me and showed me the way, which also happened to be the class of the student that was supposed to take me to my class.

Oh so we're classmates huh.

I was immediately sent to my seat, but before that the Head of junior school (HOJS) told me to never ever wear attachment to school, but since I was a new student I still had some time to loosen it up.

Being in a new class with new students was overwhelming if you ask me, then I saw some students looking at me and smiling, honestly speaking I was thinking bitches why you looking at me well what can I say I hate people looking at me, because of an incident that happened to me in primary school I'd rather not talk about.

    .Hmm let's just say it had to do with a weird classmate that did unimaginable stuff.

Soon I saw a girl coming towards me, and she was one of the creepy students I said that were looking at me. She stopped to ask me a few questions.

"Hello!" She said enthusiastically, "umm h-hi" I answered stuttering I have a problem which is that I'm timid but once I feel accepted I'm free to spill all my craziness out.

But one thing I learnt is that people start to separate themselves into categories and that especially happened when we enter Junior school, it's sad to think about it.

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