Chapter 10-Close

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A/N:I'm confused AF,like in chapter 3 there's 56 readers and chapter 4 70 readers???HOW??lol but anyways

Lena POV
I am in love with Kara,all this time I have been in love with her all along and just now I admitted it.Hear I thought people think Kara is oblivious.Turns out I'm like her,How did not notice it? But I can't say anything about it,it's too late now.She already have a boyfriend and Kara will never feel the same way.So hopefully I don't get my hopes up.
Kara looks into my eyes, her eyes are so beautiful,it's not just the color that are breathing,it's what is inside them.her eyes are stunning,can't believe now I notice them.Her eyes remind me of something...extravagant.In this moment only,that the twinkle in her eyes is the most beautiful thing I will witness in short-long lifetime.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kara says with a smile on
"Uhh...I never..." I awkwardly smiles,and clear my throat "Never noticed how your...eyes are......Beautiful"
Kara grin "Your eyes are beautiful...more than me"
"Mmmm....that's a lie" I smile
"That's true...." Kara insists
"If that's true my eyes look like?" I ask with a smirk
Kara shrugs then smiles "Don't you know your own eyes?"
I giggle "well....Miss Danvers,What I'm saying is,If my eyes are 'beautiful than yours' then please tell me how so" why am I insisting on this?
"Miss Luthor" she smiles and gaze at me "Your eyes are way too beautiful to describe it...But if you insist,You know can't say 'no' to my favorite boss"
"Yea..even though your no longer my boss" she chuckles then continues "Your eyes are....soft like washed out green,like when I look at them....I....uh...." Kara sighs loudly "I don't know how to explain they are just....your eyes are like the deep green of fresh basil rimmed with chocolate"
"Chocolate?" I laugh "seriously?"
"It seems over-kill,it's like the color of deep forest pools,the green of the first spring leaves on a plum tree" Kara admits and continues "I don't know....It sounds way better in my head"
I squeeze her hand "I love that..."' then Kara rests her head into my shoulder,I look at her she then smiles,Kara's soft lips stretch into a smile but didn't quite reach her eyes,They are lit with sadness,and the force expression of the contrary on her mouth would have look comical to me if it didn't make my heart feel heavy."what's wrong?"
"Everything" Kara confesses,before I can say anything she continues "Everything is wrong,Lena.You being in a coma,Me losing my powers,And I keep sensing Alex is mad at me,Mon-el isn't even being like my boyfriend.....SO EVERYTHING IS WRONG!" She Burst into tears "it's all my fault" Kara whispers
"No Kara it's not" I hug her tightly "None of this,IS your fault Kara.I am responsible for being in a coma,I'm sure your powers are just temporary" I say,my tears begin to spill "Please don't blame this on you,Kara"
"It's all my fault,Lena....." Kara gasps loudly "When I am with you,I feel human,Like I forget I am an alien,I feel happy when we hang out,just me and you not as Supergirl but Kara Danvers...and me being Supergirl makes me feel special...saving lives and right now if I'm losing both of them,What is even the point?"
"No Kara don't talk like that...Please" I sniff
"I know it's just...I don't feel myself anymore" Kara sniffs and rubs her neck "I just want you to be back"
I want to say that I will be back but I know that would be a lie,I am dying and nobody is knowing,I can't feel my legs that much but maybe that's just me being paranoid.
Theres something solemn swimming in her eyes,deep blue hold a truth that her face can not hide.The despairing chill that they convey made me feel heartbroken.I look away;I can't bear it.What is usually strength,no shows weakness.What used to be joy now show sadness.Then a tear roll down her cheek.I didn't see it,but can feel her crying beside me.Perhaps our eyes need to be wash by our tears once in a while so that we can see with a clearer view again,I put my hand to Kara's arm,I give her a small,hopefully encouraging smile.She smiles back,I have a feeling that everything will be alright.
"KARA" a voice screams,Kara jumps and see Alex crossing her arms staring at Kara "Why are you sitting like that?"
Kara jumps to her feet and remove her tears "Sitting like what?"
Alex face palm "you are so weird..but we need to talk"
"About what?" Kara asks and stands beside Alex,she touches her shoulder "Can we leave"
"Were you crying?" Alex gives her a concern look
"No..I'm just...there's dust in my eyes" Kara smiles,how could she lie foolishly like that but when she's around me,She's a professional? Or maybe I was too blindly in love.
"Kara there's literally no dust here..." Alex rolls her eyes "Are you okay?" They walk beside each other,while I follow them
"I am now" Kara replies and looks at me,she smiles "so what do you wanna talk about?"
Alex opens the door and they both leave the room,I keep following them like I am a lost puppy. "it's about eve and Lena"
Kara eyes wide "What about Eve? Did she do something to Lena"
Alex touches Kara's shoulder "Calm down,I know Lena is a sensitive subject to you but..Lena is....umm whatever eve hired someone name Patrick and serves wine or more likely delivers"
The wine,I remember my imagination lex told me something about that.Memories flash through my mind, dreaming about everyone who has betrayed me,Lex was using me and he was my greatest fear,I can't believe he was.Why didn't I see it coming? Suddenly I feel my heart is beating really fast,But how can I feel it,Suddenly I fall down.Kara whirl and comes to me."Are you okay?" Everyone in the room,looks at Kara in confusion but she seems like she didnt care.
Suddenly I look at my legs and they started disappearing "Kara"
She looks at them,her eyes wide,she squeezes my hand,then my hand disappears."no!"

"HELP" somebody screams,Kara focuses at me,not caring who's screaming for help. I see a light,I can't feel my body anymore,Slowly the light shine brighter,All I can think about how soon it is...
Soon for me to

A/N:hahahaha oops anyways the only reason I publish this chapter earlier than usual bcz today is my birthday and wanted to give you guys a chapter as a gift for myself bcz I love writing for you !!!!!
All this chapter is abt Kara and Lena only in the same room😂but whatever anyways bye guys see you in Friday
Dead Lena Maybe?😏😉

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