Chapter 15-Kara danvers drunk

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Kara POV

I open my eyes and Look around but nobody is here.My head hurts and my stomach,I wake as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in my brain and together they are as panic with jump-leads. Only now my brain is as a flat battery.I stand up and start walking,My body feels as if I had been bruised in every corner.My legs feel shaky and can't support my body.I arch my back as the pain is rushing through my body like an igniting fire.My eyes squeeze close as my face contort.Never have I ever experienced such pain in my life.I can feel my head spinning ultimately I fall onto the floor my jaw clench I grab a fistful of my hair pulling on it this help to ease my pain.Sweat trickle down my face.
"Kara" Alex calls and helps me to get up and settle me down in bed to lay in bed. "Kara.." She squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.
I give her a tight smile "Al...ex"
"'s okay...Get some rest" Alex hands me painkillers.
I blink then exhale."Can I have a cup of water"
Alex looks at me and smiles "Sure" then gets up and leave the room.
"Lena...are you here?" I call and open my eyes,I see her sitting beside me with a smile on.

" you feeling?" Lena asks with a crack voice
"Is that..really a question" I smile and gaze at her "You look beautiful"
Lena shyly smiles and rubs her neck "I look the know,Considering.."
I smile then Alex enters the room with a cup of water and I take a pill then drink it.I hand the cup to Alex.Alex smiles and sits on the chair then Mon-el enters the room "hey.."
"I should give you some space" Alex frowns and leave the room

"Can you go...away? I need some rest" I say coolly.Mon-el nods and exits the room.
Lena continues to stare at me and I smile "You're really pretty...and your emerald green eyes...your perfect"
Lena blushes then grin "Kara...these are your painkillers talking"
I shrug "Maybe...But..." I half open my eyes "I am not...Maybe ruby was right..."
"You should get some rest" Lena insists and gives me a last smile before I fall asleep.

4 days later

I wake up and I'm inside my apartment.What just happened?
"Good your awake" Alex says with a concerned voice
I breath heavily "How did I get in here?"
"You don't remember?" Alex asks in confusion and sits beside me.
I rub my left eye and yawn "I don't remember anything" I try to stand up but Alex stops me "You should get some rest"
"Alex what's going on? How did I get I here?" I ask worriedly."I'm losing it am I?"
"No Kara...Calm down maybe because of the painkillers..Nothing is wrong with you?" Alex answers,with a sigh.
"Leave" I demand
"Kara..No!" Alex snaps "I'm not leaving you..."
"Please" I beg "I wanna be left alone"
"No,Kara" Alex says,crossing her arms.
"Please Alex" I repeat with a broken voice "just leave me alone.."
Alex nods "Call me if u need anything"
I shake my head and Alex leaves the apartment.
I stand up and take a 5 beers from the fridge and sit on the couch.I turn on the TV to the news

A blonde man with a mustache informs "So it's been 4 days since last time Supergirl have been spotted" then it shows a footage me-Supergirl getting stabbed by an alien.Then Alex shot him in the leg while Mon-el carried me.
Then back to the blonde man "So the question is..Is Supergirl no longer invincible?" He continues "Now 87% crimes rates has rise ever..."

"You should turn that off" Lena suggests
I jump and gaze at Lena sitting next to me.I turn it off and open the beer.
"You don't drink,Kara." Lena says not breaking the eye contact
I shrug "Well...I need it,Although alcohol never effects me"
"You don't know that for sure" Lena frowns
I take a long sip "Let's see if it works..."
"Kara..." Lena says coolly but I ignore her.I stare at Lenas boobs "Boobs...I need your boobs"
I come closer to Lena that I'm close to her lips.Lena touches my chest to push me but I couldn't feel it "Kara your drunk..."
I shake my head as a no."You are the one who's drunk...You are amazing...I always wanted to taste your lips." I lean to Lena,shivers goes across my spine.I touch her chin "Why are you nervous?"
She rubs her neck "Im not..nervous it's just...This is the first time I see you drunk and horny"
"Well you clearly don't know me then..." I wink Then I take another sip.
"I think you should stop..drinking" Lena admits
I smirk "Ugh..You're such a downer..I told you" I take a another sip "I'm not drunk" I jump to my feet and open my phone,I play slow song and put my phone on the table."Dance with me"
Lena gives me a shocked reaction but didn't say anything "Come on...Lets dance" I pull Lena close to me.Her eyes are shining,Lena place her hand;I place my hand on her waist and whisk her into the room.The slow music twirl like thread around us.I rest my head of her chest,and let her sway my body 'round and 'round again.I think I love her.I think,Ruby was right,I think,I want to marry her.And then the music slowed,and we met at the hands.I look into her soft green eyes,and Rest my forehead into hers."Lena" I whisper
After few seconds she replies "Yes?"
We both look into each other's eyes,I lean in to kiss her but Lena moves her head and clears her throat "Kara.....You are drunk"
I smile and shrug "I think I am...Now" and lay down in bed,Lena kneels and looks at me,I continue "Can I get a quick kiss?"
Lena eyes wide-seems surprised I asked her that."Umm get some rest" she says.Before she can get up I give her a quick kiss and smirks "Goodnight" then I close my eyes and fall asleep

Lena POV

I touch my lips.Kara just kissed me.I know it's not real considered she's drunk.I stare at Kara but seems like she already had fallen asleep.Probably too wasted.Alcohol is still new for her-Now that she can feel it.I need to see Bob.

I head to the Alien bar and see Bob drinking.I tap on his shoulders "We need to talk"
He looks at me and smiles "Sure" I sit beside him and rub my head.Bob takes another sip of his drink and continues "Seems like your nervous....We have been talking for the past 4 days since you know Kara got stabbed"
I nod "Don't remind me but...." I sigh loudly "Kara kissed me" I blurt
Bob spits out his drink "what? I told you do NOT get involved.."
I swallow hardly "I know...that..."
Bob threw the glass into the wall "I told you...Not to let Kara fall for you..You didn't listen" he takes a deep breathe and finally exhales "I'm sorry...its just.."
"It's okay...But..." I murmur "She was drunk,she probably won't remember..." Sounding uncertain-part of me didn't want her to forget about it.But I shouldn't have let her feelings involved with me.Im probably gonna die and Kara will be heartbroken and will never move on from having another best friend and....Being in love with me,she can't possibly be right?
"What do you want,Lena?" Bob asks and orders another drink
I shrug "Are you interested what happened?" Ignoring his question
"What happened?" Bob asks and pays for the drink
"We danced...Her blue eyes were beautiful like...Bob if you could look at her eyes,You will instantly fall in love with them" I confess and continue "the moment when we were dancing her eyes were the blue of a water so deep that you were afraid to jump in,but you were still tempted to.She leans in to kiss me-I wanted to but couldn't,I wanna feel them.I wanna take her on a date and tell everyone that's she's my girlfriend" I smile at the word girlfriend. "I wanna be with her at the good and worst times.I love her.I wanna kiss her and she will only be mine and only mine"I stare at at Bob and see him crying "Bob are you okay?" I touch his shoulders
"I you guys so much." He sniffs "But you didn't answer my question,Lena" he stares at me "What do you want,Lena"
"I...." I stammer "I..." Deep down I know the answer and I'm scared to say it out loud
"Say it" he insists "Say it!"
"I want..." I breathe heavily "I want...To....I want to live"

A/N:Hey guys lol.What do you think about this chapter? And don't forget to vote and thanks for the reads

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