Beelzebub x Reader ~ Baking a Cake

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One night, you were secretly baking a chocolate cake. Why? Well...

~ The evening before ~
"Y/N! Are you making dinner tonight?" Beel asks you, taking some food out of the refrigerator.
"Yes I am! I'm also baking cookies as a dessert!" You smile. Beel's eyes twinkled.
"Cookies? I can't wait to eat some!" Beel said with a smile as he ran out to tell Belphie.

Later, the rest of the brothers had taken one cookie each while Beel ate the rest of them. By that I mean 18 cookies. They were rather big cookies too, so you were happy to see that he enjoyed them. Every brother told you the meal was great, especially the cookies (even Mammon though it was more like "a cookie that is sufficient enough for the Great Mammon!").

"Can you bake other sweets, Y/N?" Beel asks.
"I can, like a chocolate cake." You smile, taking a sip of tea. You were able to relax since you had completed your work ahead of time.
"I would like to eat one." Beel chuckles, rubbing his stomach which growled.


~ Present ~
You sit at the table waiting for the cakes to be ready. You had made four cakes, so you can make two double stacked cakes. One for Beel, and one for everyone else. Suddenly, Beel came into the room. It was two in the morning.
"Oh hi Beel." You greet with a yawn. Beel had been taking a pudding out when he started aggressively sniffing.

"It smells really good in here." He says. You grab an oven mitt and take all four cakes out as Beel stares in awe.

"If you can wait a few minutes I can give you a piece." You turn around and begin working on the cakes. Beel decided to wait patiently.

After waiting for the cakes to cool you took them out and frosted both cakes. You took one over to Beel and cut him a slice.
"Here you go." You say as you slide him the plate. Without another word, Beel takes a bite of the cake. His eyes suddenly open wide as he takes another bite. After two more bites he finishes the piece and stares into your eyes.
"This is the best chocolate cake ever!" Beel suddenly hugs you, unknowingly crushing you.
"I'm glad you like it Beel!" You laugh as you try to loosed his hold. Instead he tips your head up and stares at you.
"You have some icing on your face." He says.
"Where?" You ask.
Without answering Beel suddenly kissed you, holding you close.

And you kissed back.

~ Later that morning ~
"Y/N! Did you make this chocolate cake?" Mammon asks you the next morning during breakfast. After the kiss you gave Beel his cake and sent him off to bed.
"Yes, and I made Beel his own so feel free to try some." You answer sleepily.

"Y/N." You hear Beel behind you. You turn around and with a serious face he says
"Make me brownies next."

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